Red Desert in the US Makes It to Number 3 of the Top 10 Most Visited Deserts in the World as per the Visited App

Three out of top five most visited deserts in the world are found in the United States. The travel list is based on international travelers using the travel app Visited to keep track of all their travels.

Most Popular Deserts

The travel app Visited by Arriving In High Heels Corporation has published a list of the top 10 most visited deserts worldwide. Red Desert, Mojave Desert and Great Salt Lake Deserts are all found in the United States and make the top list.

Visited, available on iOS or Android, is a travel app that allows users to mark off places they've traveled. Users can check off famous places such as deserts, mountain ranges, lakes and ancient sites, to name a few. 

The top 10 most visited deserts in the world according to Visited are:

  1. Sahara Desert is the largest hot desert in the world, with popular tours of the desert in Egypt, Tunisia, and Morocco. 
  2. Arabian Desert includes sandy dunes stretching across Iraq, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates, and Yemen. 
  3. Red Desert is a high-altitude desert in Wyoming named for the brilliant red sandy landscape in one of the last high-elevation deserts in the U.S. 
  4. Mojave Desert in California is nestled below the Sierra Nevada Mountains and includes the famous Joshua trees that are unique to the region. 
  5. Great Salt Lake Desert is a large dry lake in Utah with white salt deposits that evoke a surreal, magical look.
  6. Highlands of Iceland are a picturesque plateau of expansive volcanic desert that stretches across most of the interior of Iceland. 
  7. Negev Desert is a desert in Israel that includes the famed Dead Sea, one of the saltiest bodies of water in the world. 
  8. Judaean Desert is a desert in Israel and the West Bank located east of Jerusalem that has religious significance for Christians. 
  9. Atacama Desert in Chile is the driest non-polar desert in the world and offers breathtaking scenery including geysers, lagoons, thermal pools, volcanoes, and salt flats. 
  10. Namib Desert is a dry coastal desert in southern Africa that is 55 to 80 million years old. 

To see the complete list of the most popular deserts and over 50 top 10 lists of the most visited travel destinations in the world, download Visited on iOS or Android

To learn more about the Visited app, visit

About Arriving In High Heels Corporation

Arriving In High Heels Corporation is a mobile app company with apps including Pay Off Debt, X-Walk, and Visited, their most popular app. 

Source: Arriving In High Heels Corporation


Tags: app, california, deserts, destinations, great salt lake desert, mojave desert, red desert, travel, travel list, travels, united states, us deserts, utah, wyoming

About Arriving In High Heels Corporation

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Arriving In High Heels Corporation is a mobile app company. They are the creators of the popular Visited app.

Anna Kayfitz
CEO, Arriving In High Heels Corporation
Arriving In High Heels Corporation
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King City, Ontario L7B0C6