Red Frog Beach Receives International Property Awards
BOCAS DEL TORO, PANAMA, November 19, 2015 ( - The International Property judging committee in London (chaired by two members of the House of Lords) reviewed hundreds of developments and Red Frog Beach located in Bocas del Toro, Panama has been awarded as a finalist in these categories for
This award recognizes that the resort compliments the natural beauty of this unique archipelago community. As the largest employer in the region, we credit our employees for their commitment to create something beautiful that invites people from all over the world to visit this special place.
Steven Bolton, PARTNER, Oceans Group International
- Best Residential Landscape Architecture
- Best Leisure Development
Panama has been one of the world’s fastest growing economies in the world that has attracted the attention of foreign investors because of the dollarized currency, 1st class healthcare, political stability and one of the best residency incentives for people looking to buy a vacation/retirement home.
Because of the country’s quiet boom, numerous real estate projects are attracting people from all over the world. Red Frog Beach stands out among all these developments because it is the most successful island resort in Panama and located on the Caribbean side of the country with the best beaches and world-renowned tropical forests. Few Caribbean locations can offer real estate in a setting as unique as this one with 1st class infrastructure and all the incentives that Panama has to offer.
Oceans Group International took over the island project in 2009 is proud to be recognized internationally for the resort’s Landscape Architecture and as a Top Leisure Development. The resort includes a large protected Nature Preserve adjacent to the National Marine Park on the island and the company has completed a reforestation project of over 60 acres caused by cattle grazing. Hence, there is more vegetation and tress at the resort than before the resort development began!
Red Frog Beach recently announced the beginnings of implementing a solar power project that will make the resort one of the largest centralized solar resorts in Central America. They also announced an affiliation with the University of Minnesota for students to study in this unique part of the world.
Steven Bolton of Oceans Group International is pleased that the island property has received this recognition: “This award recognizes that the resort compliments the natural beauty of this unique archipelago community. As the largest employer in the region, we credit our employees for their commitment to create something beautiful that invites people from all over the world to visit this special place.
Island Real Estate, contact: 888.220.5602 [email protected]
Vacation, contact: 888.655.9573 [email protected]
The International Property Awards is in its 22nd year and the largest and most prestigious property competition in the world. This year in excess of 2,000 companies from over 100 different countries took part.
Judging is carried out through a process involving a panel of over 70 experts covering every aspect of the property business. The judges not only look for the most impressive and innovative projects, they also examine the sustainability and eco-friendliness of every property and development.