Red Mountain Consulting Focused on Hiring 2015 Graduates

The leaders at Red Mountain Consulting are growing their team with the best talent available. The firm's director of operations discussed an ongoing hiring initiative and the benefits of adding recent college graduates to the group.

Red Mountain Consulting’s prospects for continued growth in 2015 and beyond are very strong. With that in mind, the firm’s leaders are more committed than ever to building a versatile and broadly skilled team. As Joe, the company’s director of operations, explained, “We’re especially focused on adding talented members of the class of 2015 to our high-performing team. With May quickly approaching, we want to attract motivated young professionals who are ready to learn and grow right along with our firm.”

The professional picture for the class of 2015 certainly looks healthy. A survey from Michigan State University found that hiring for new graduates was expected to jump by as much as 20% this year, as demand has been building. Companies are now better prepared to invest in new talent, and college graduates are set to reap the rewards. 

"With May quickly approaching, we want to attract motivated young professionals who are ready to learn and grow right along with our firm."

Joe, Director of Operations

“Our firm is a prime destination for new graduates because we provide a rewarding career path,” added the director. “We also promote based on merit, not politics or seniority, and I think that resonates with driven young professionals who want to make a name for themselves. Talented individuals really are able to determine their own professional destiny here, and I’m excited to add some dynamic performers.”

Red Mountain Consulting’s Director of Operations Outlines Some Benefits of Hiring College Graduates

Bringing recent college graduates into an organization is a good idea for many reasons. As Red Mountain Consulting continues to burnish its reputation as a respected industry leader, the firm’s leaders are excited about the advantages that an agile team filled with young talent will offer.

As Joe noted, “One of the biggest positives involved in hiring new college graduates is the fact that they still have the student mentality toward learning new skills and practices. They always seem to bring genuine curiosity and excitement to our office, and those qualities are contagious. Our entire team comes together to make a new addition feel welcome, and performance just seems to be boosted across the board.”

Another benefit of hiring college graduates is their comfort levels with emerging technology. “New grads are familiar with a range of social media outlets and mobile applications,” added the director. “We emphasize those channels in our promotional campaigns more and more, and I love the fact that these individuals bring an instant credibility in working with them and using them to their full capacity.”

About Red Mountain Consulting

Red Mountain Consulting provides a full range of consulting and marketing services with a focus on using innovative promotional solutions to penetrate new markets. Through their exclusive outreach channels, the team generates extraordinary outcomes in a remarkably short period of time. With its interactive promotional campaigns, Red Mountain Consulting builds a strong lifelong personal and professional relationship between the brands they represent and the consumers who use them. The firm has a track record of success, with scalable strategies that fit the marketing needs of any size organization. 


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