Red Mountain Consulting Team Attends Leadership Conference

A select team from Red Mountain Consulting recently enjoyed a superb opportunity to attend a leadership conference which featured a number of professional education opportunities. The event is one of many the team will attend in 2015.

Joe, Red Mountain Consulting’s director of operations, explained that the associates who attended were selected based on their enthusiasm as well as their ability to exceed goals and reach the milestones presented to them. “These are among our brightest stars,” he said. “Our management is committed to helping each of our associates be part of this group. Therefore, we are continually investing in professional development opportunities like this conference that will empower our associates to be more creative and take ownership of the campaigns they run.”

This conference is one of several educational and networking events that team members will attend this year. “We actively look for various programs or opportunities to which we can send associates,” noted Joe. “After each event, the attendees invariably return with unique and valuable wisdom to share with the others.”

"One thing I always recommend before associates leave for an event is that they plan to learn a lot of new information all at once,"

Joe, Director

“One thing I always recommend before associates leave for an event is that they plan to learn a lot of new information all at once,” added Joe. “By this, I mean when they arrive at the conference, they should be prepared to leave each presentation or workshop with one key point that is relevant to our business. I also suggest that they take notes on ideas as action items rather than concepts. This way, they’re already internalizing how an idea presented can be implemented quickly in our organization.”

Red Mountain Consulting’s Managers Highlight Lessons Gained from Recent Leadership Conference

According to Joe, this particular leadership conference provided the team with exceptional insights into the interactive marketing industry. “Several recognizable executives were there to deliver speeches on upcoming trends,” he said. “There were numerous motivational talks, and workshops that covered strategic topics such as how to lead more effectively, keys to business development, recruiting best practices, and much more.”

In addition, the networking opportunities were at least as valuable, if not more so, than the wealth of information offered, Joe noted. “It’s one thing to listen to a speech and gain information,” he said. “It’s another to visit with colleagues from other regions with whom you can share techniques and best practices that have worked for them. With networking, you have the ability to ask questions, and you’re making a connection that will allow you to continue to learn from each other.”

“This industry is all about innovation,” Joe concluded. “Whatever we can do to support our associates, and help them continue to grow in their skills and abilities, will serve everyone better.”

 About Red Mountain Consulting

Red Mountain Consulting provides a full range of consulting and marketing services with a focus on using innovative promotional solutions to penetrate new markets. Through their exclusive outreach channels, the team generates extraordinary outcomes in a remarkably short period of time. With its interactive promotional campaigns, Red Mountain Consulting builds a strong lifelong personal and professional relationship between the brands they represent and the consumers who use them. The firm has a track record of success, with scalable strategies that fit the marketing needs of any size organization.


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Red Mountain Consulting expands existing consumer bases while opening doors to new markets using innovative promotional strategies.

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