Reki The Fastest Growing Self Treatment Available
Online, April 10, 2011 (
Reiki has become considered one of the fastest ever-increasing self healing treatment options available. A lot more people are moving beyond the boundaries of contemporary medicine and its methods. The idea of having your bodies loaded with mass produced pharmaceutical products is now being turned away from. Is "pill popping" something of history? Really shall we be looking to the past for our the latest treatments? Trust me the evidence is all around you, it's happening now. This mass growth industry is exactly that. Are you tired of the cost of modern medicine? Are you looking for other possibilities? Well reiki therapy was once hard to come by, travelling miles searching for a healer or training was not uncommon. Not any longer.
For most of us reiki is an unknown concept, you've overheard people talking about it, but didn't totally appreciate what it was, or exactly what it was about. In basic terms it's a self healing treatment which could be practised upon yourself, others and in many cases animals by the use of the hands.
It's a perception that was brought to prominence by Dr Mikao Usui around 1922. Dr Usui was engaged in a spiritual quest lasting decades to be able to discover how to heal spiritually. It's not a religion, and you don't really need to be a priest or anything similar to practise its techniques. His findings and concepts are what we now know as reiki. There exists evidence in ancient texts supporting its use as far back as 4000 years ago.
A reiki therapy is not merely for mental well being or a specific part of your body, it covers the whole body, mind and spirit. Millions upon millions of people have seen marvellous results from it, and many thousands have claimed remarkable results. The beautiful ingredient of reiki is that it's a secure, simple, self enhancement method accessible to all.
Reiki totally works and doesn't need belief in order to be successful. Reiki has been shown to hasten post operative recovery by as much as 50%, and causes diabetics to require less insulin. In fact injuries that had been worked upon using reiki have healed so rapidly, that doctors have been left confounded. Reiki works on emotional issues such as stress, anxiety, depression, Post traumatic stress disorder and post partum depression. Source: Karuna Reiki Master / Teacher. ( the international site for reiki).
Now, a chance is available for people to undertake treatments at home. Due to the increased popularity, reiki has stopped being a well kept secret. Courses are available via the internet and also other outlets to not only heal your self, but to also commence training up to grand master level. Indeed lots of people are so taken with reiki; they are starting to be teachers and healers themselves, and turning it into a career, a very profitable one I may add.
Tags: reiki, reke, Self healing