Relationship Chat Resumes After Valentine's Day
Online, February 21, 2011 ( - After spending a romantic evening with the one you love, or maybe a not-so-romantic evening with the one you love, the one you like, the one you are just getting to know, a group of friends, or just by yourself, many questions still go unanswered. Yes, Valentine's Day can be the day of love for many, but it can also bring up many underlying relationship questions for those who are involved in a relationship, as well as single people, alike.
"That's where the Relationship Chat comes in," said Brooke Alexandria, organizer of the social discussion group, the Relationship Chat. "Regardless of what stage of a relationship you are in, everyone needs a sounding board every now and then to clear their mind and get a fresh perspective."
The Relationship Chat is a Cincinnati-based discussion group for men and women that helps members make connections with other people who desire support and advice for navigating through relationships. The Relationship Chat consists of men and women from all walks of life, and from nearly every age group, ranging from their early 20s to their early 60s. Some people are recently single. Others have been single for years. Others are married, while some are dating. The one thing that all people at the Relationship Chat have in common is that they all want to chat about relationships. And there's no better time to do so then after Valentine's Day.
"Personally, I'm in a long-distance relationship, which is very unique in itself" Alexandria said. "The holiday always makes me think of issues that my boyfriend and I need to work on, as well as what makes him such an important part of my life. I'm looking forward to sharing this information with others at the group, as well as bouncing ideas off of other group members for possible ways to strengthen my long-distance relationship. Everyone has a unique perspective, and that's what makes the group so great."
The next Relationship Chat will be Tuesday, February 22, at Panera Bread, 8115 Montgomery Road, Cincinnati, Ohio, at 7:00 PM. The group usually meets every third Tuesday of each month.
About Brooke Alexandria
Brooke Alexandria is the author of the blog, The Truth About Relationships: A Tell All ( Prose and discussion topics include managing relationships, being happy being single, reconnecting with a lost love, getting over a tough break-up and finding love. For more information on Brooke Alexandria, visit To join next Relationship Chat, visit
Tags: divorce, groups, marrige, relationships, singles, support