Relationship Expert Reveals How To Identify And Stop Verbal Abuse
Online, September 3, 2012 ( - Verbal abuse has many relationships by the throat, and yet many people don't fully realize they are caught in a pattern of abuse. Many people fear that they might be victims of abuse but aren't sure just what constitutes abuse, while others are verbal abusers and don't realize it.
There are many kinds of abuse, but in the end, they all boil down to psychological abuse in that they all leave lasting emotional scars. Verbal abuse is, of course, the most insidious form of abuse because it leaves scars that others can't see. But the scars are real and lasting, nevertheless.
To answer whether you are the victim of verbal abuse or an abuser yourself you first need to be clear on what verbal abuse is. On this week's Ask Dr. Love radio show, Dr. Jamie Turndorf spells out the symptoms of verbal abuse, explains how to respond if you are the victim of verbal abuse, and show how to rein in your mouth if you are the one who is verbally abusive.
So tune in to discover if you are a victim of verbal abuse or a verbal abuser, and find out how to break free of this pattern once and for all!
Hosted on, AskDrLove with Dr. Jamie Turndorf is a live one hour radio program airing at 1pm (EST) every Tuesday afternoon. You can also call-in to the show and ask Dr. Turndorf for advice on any of your personal issues. You can also listen archived shows at TalkZone and on iTunes.
Dr. Jamie Turndorf is a renowned author, media personality, relationship expert and creator of, the Web's premier relationship advice site since 1996, which now boasts thousands of articles on every imaginable relationship, dating, or sex advice question . You can follow Dr. Turndorf on Facebook and on Twitter @askdrlove.
Dr.Tundorf's advice and methods will improve your love and sex life whether or not you're having problems -- but if you are -- be sure to tune in and even call in to the Ask Dr Love radio show and get help from one of today's top relationship experts. As Dr. Turndorf says, "Knowledge Is The Key To Happy Relationships!"
Tags: ask dr love, dr jamie turndorf, emotional abuse, how to stop abuse, psychological abuse, relationship advice, what is verbal abuse