Relationship Expert Shares Secret to Rekindling Romance and Intimacy

Mirrors reveal truths that we are not always willing to see when we look into them. And the mirror is - beyond a shadow of a doubt - the secret, most effective relationship tool you must have that holds the key for rekindling love and romance in

Dr. Patty Ann Tublin, a world-renowned relationship expert who helps couples achieve happiness and intimacy, has just released a new article on her web site, where she shares her most effective relationship tool. The article, "Mirror Mirror on the Wall: The Secret & Most Effective Relationship Tool," is available now at

According to Dr. Patty Ann, mirrors reveal truths that we are not always willing to see when we look into them. And the mirror is the secret, most effective relationship tool you must have that holds the key for rekindling love and romance in your relationship.

"I'm not talking about looks here, but the true you that is reflected," explains Dr. Patty Ann. "An honest look in the mirror is virtually guaranteed to rekindle love and romance in your relationship because all change starts with changing ourselves."

Dr. Patty Ann explains that we are often reluctant, and maybe even afraid, to take a long, hard look in the mirror to see what baggage we are bringing to the table that is negatively impacting our relationship. It's difficult to take a look in the mirror because it's easier to point our finger and place all the problems in our relationship on our partner.

"Next time you are about to blame and/or criticize your partner - stop and take a long hard look in the mirror. Maybe you will see that you too are also contributing and responsible for the difficulties you are facing in your relationship," says Dr. Patty Ann. "To keep love and romance alive, it is imperative that we pull out our mirror and reflect upon what we are really seeing - not what we want to see but what is truly there."

Read the full article at
More articles about rekindling romance, increasing intimacy and reigniting passion in your relationship can be found on Dr. Patty Ann's blog at


Tags: intimacy, relationship, relationship advice, relationship expert, relationship tools

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