Relationship Expert Sharon Pope Releases Results of New Poll - Which Political Party Has Stronger Relationships

Marriages having more sex are also healthier and will last longer

Sharon Pope, Relationship Expert, polled 454 people to determine if one political party is having more sex in their marriages than another. The survey showed that Republicans are having sex more frequently in their marriages than either Democrats or Independents.

33.51% of Republicans are having sex at least once a week or more, compared to 26.52% for Democrats and 29.69% for Independents. In contrast to that finding, Democrats stated that they haven't had sex even once in the last month (31.82%), compared to Republicans and Independents (35.05% and 35.16% respectively).  

"The amount of sex people are having has much more to do with the closeness between two people and how we engage with our life - than what we value or support in any specific political party. In my experience, the couples that are more relaxed both individually and with one another and able to have more fun together are those that have sex more frequently. While those couples that carry the worry and stress of life or kids or work or politics have a more difficult time connecting to one another on a consistent basis." 

Caring About Politics without Being Consumed by It

Sex can be a barometer for the health of a marriage, and how we engage with the world around us can be a measure for how willing and able we are to connect with others, all of which impacts our most important and most intimate relationship.

"Of course we should engage with and form opinions about the policies that impact our lives and the health of our world, but sometimes that can be a heavy weight to carry."

"Worry, fear and concern keeps us in our heads and emotionally shut down. From that place, we're not open to connecting sexually (or otherwise) with one another."

"The key to being engaged with politics AND still being able to exist in a healthy, loving and connected marriage is to pay attention to politics, but not be consumed by it; to care about the outcomes but realize that you alone do not determine the outcomes."

"If you want to have more sex and feel more connected to your partner, don't go looking for things to worry about over which you cannot control. Instead, do your part, research the candidates and issues, show-up and vote, and then look for ways to relax while spending quality time with your partner. You'll know how it ends soon enough." 

About Sharon Pope

Sharon Pope is a Master Life Coach, Relationship Expert and Seven-Time Best-Selling Author on Love and Relationships. She has helped thousands of women find the confidence and clarity they need to either fix the struggles in their relationship or move forward without regret. She's been published numerous times, including in the Modern Love column in The New York Times.

Source: Sharon Pope, LLC


Tags: divorce, marriage, relationships

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Sharon Pope is a certified Master Life Coach helping women get the tools they need to improve, heal or release their struggling marriages.

Sharon Pope
Business Owner, Sharon Pope, LLC
Sharon Pope, LLC
7037 Sunset Dr S (Ste 303)
South Pasadena, FL 33707
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