Relationship Help: Why Can't We Get Along?
Online, April 17, 2011 (
I am often asked the relationship help question, "Why can't we get along even though we love each other?" Couples often assume that because they love one another, their relationship will automatically work and they will not need relationship help. Unfortunately, this is not the case with most relationships.
Love is the best foundation for an intimate relationship; however, it takes a lot more to make the relationship successful.
Relationship Help Tool #1: It all begins with You! To have a healthy and happy relationship with your partner, you must be in a good place with yourself. Often people get into relationships looking for a "fix" to their inner unhappiness. It takes two individuals who are ok with themselves first for a relationship to work.
Relationship Help Tool #2: Communication versus effective communication. Effective communication means that you and your partner are skilled at conveying and understanding one another's thoughts and feelings. Most people are not born with these skills and need to learn the proper effective communication tools. For this reason, I devoted a whole chapter to effective communication in my relationship help books for men and women, It's That Simple! in order to help couples learn the exact communication tools they need.
Relationship Help Tool #3: Mutual respect and honoring. It is essential for a couple to use respect and honor when interacting with one another. When this does not happen, resentments and contempt build up over time often causing the inability for a couple to get along.
Relationship Help Tool #4: Keeping the spark alive. It is crucial to keep the emotional and physical intimacy alive in the relationship. If this part of the relationship is not tended to, it will fade away and leave the couple in a disconnected and distant place. When this occurs, couples will often fight about little things not realizing it is really about the lack of intimacy.
Combining these relationship help tools on a daily basis will provide for a couple the relationship help they need to not only get along but to be happy together!
Tags: bree maresca-kramer, free relationship help, free relationship help advice, relationship help, relationship help advice