Relationship Help with Communication By Bree Maresca-Kramer M.A.
Online, February 20, 2012 ( - If you're in marriage counseling, chances are you and your husband are doing most of the talking. But thanks to years of experience, your therapist has plenty of advice that she'd like to share with you, too. Read on to get expert insight on making the most of your sessions.
Couples looking to improve their communication skills seek my help so they can have the thriving relationship they have always wanted. Below are some relationship help tips to improve your communication with your partner.
Relationship Help with Communication #1: Establish Ground Rules. Create certain times with boundaries to have serious talks about important issues in your life and relationship.
Relationship Help with Communication #2: Learn How to Listen. Being able to stay quiet and listen without interrupting or preparing a comeback is vital.
Relationship Help with Communication #3: Speak the right language. Men and women communicated differently, learning how to speak in your partner's language helps avoid many misunderstandings.
Relationship Help with Communication #4: Fight Fairly. Every couple will fight or have disagreements. It is important to know how to fight fairly without causing long-term harm to your partner or the relationship.
Relationship Help with Communication #5: Remember the Goal. Always keep in mind that it is better to be happy together than to be right and broken apart.
"The major reason is couples stop talking about what really matters," says Maresca-Kramer, who is also a pioneer in the personal growth movement. "They allow their relationship to become robotic or business-like and they let go of the intimacy, the passion, the romance, and the connection, which is easy to do. It takes work to not do that."
Acclaimed Life Coach Bree Maresca-Kramer M.A. holds a Master's Degree in Mental Health Counseling, has over fifteen years of clinical experience working with individuals and couples, and has been featured on NBC, CBS, The CW, FOX NEWS, National Radio Programming, The Chicago Tribune, Shape Magazine, In-Touch Magazine, The Nest Magazine, Woman's Day Magazine, E-Harmony, AOL, and is a Relationship Expert Columnist for The Huffington Post.
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