Relationships, Work and Psychology: New Article Offers Insights into Innate Human Differences

What accounts for the extreme differences in the way that different people view the same things? According to Lynda-Ross Vega and Gary Jordan, PhD., it's the 6 different Perceptual Styles innate to different human beings that determine the ways we

What makes different people different in the way they see the world? Are there any real patterns in human differences? And if so, can understanding those differences lead to great personal fulfillment, stronger relationships and greater career success?

A new article by Gary Jordan, PhD. and Lynda-Ross Vega of Vega Behavioral Consulting entitled "Why Don't 'They' See Things the Way I Do? How Perceptual Style Theory Helps Us Understand Social Differences" sheds new light on this fascinating subject, offering deep insights from the fields of psychology, business development and more.

This article offers a comprehensive overview of the 6 innate Perceptual Styles developed by the authors of the article-each with their own strengths and weakness, each with their own unique perspective on the world. According to Vega and Jordan, these styles affect not only how we view the world, but the ways we interact with others and the things we hold most dear.

In it, readers will discover the 6 Perceptual Styles:
• Activity: those who view constant exploration and shifting interests
• Adjustments: those who value the consistent accumulation of knowledge and the steady evolution of systems
• Flow: those who value the continuity between the past, future and present, as well as the connection between members of a community
• Goals: those who focus directly on tasks and value purpose-driven communication
• Methods: those who focus on objective facts and proven systems
• Vision: those who see possibilities everywhere, and will adjust their approach as needed to reach their goals

According to this article, each of the 6 Perceptual Styles form a spectrum. Perceptual Styles that fall close together on the spectrum have elements in common, while those that directly oppose each other both attract and repel.

This article offers crucial information for team-leaders, managers, coaches, psychologists and students of human nature from all walks of life. In it, readers will find clear insights into the nuances and differences in human perception and behavior based on a theory that incorporates and builds upon the theories of psychological visionaries such as Carl Jung, Willhelm Reich and others.

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Tags: perceptual styles, Psychology, relationships, work

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