Release of the Blog Beast - How Env2 Will Change the Way YOU Blog
Online, October 10, 2013 ( - Many of us who have been expecting the big Blog Beast soon to be launched, are sitting on the edges of our seats with excitement. We are all avid bloggers. Some of us are just starting out. But the other thing that connects us is our exasperation with existing blogging platforms. A couple days from now the Blog Beast is going to take the internet by storm.
It is to be a viral blogging system launched by Empower Network. Blog Beast is actually Empower Network 2 (ENV2), an improvement over the original blogging system and publishing platform. It will be a second generation system that will try to solve the problems of other blogging systems and it will cost $25 a month. This makes the blogging platform exciting and multi-functional.
New Features of Blog Beast . Some of the features that this system will have are already announced. They are to be an improvement over the older Empower Network blogging system.
1. Easier audio/video blogging: You know how many steps are involved in trying to post podcasts, audio or video clips recorded from your phone, right? That is why the audio/video feature of the new system is so attractive. A mobile app will allow users to easily record video or audio clips that they want to blog about. They can also post these clips from either their smartphone or computer in two clicks.
2. Maintaining Multiple Blogs: You can have several blogs across many domains and still maintain them from your single account. For someone who maintains a business blog, a personal blog and several marketing blogs across domains, this will provide great relief in managing them all.
3. Easier Mobile Blogging: ENV2 will have better synching between the computer and smartphone for users to be able to blog easily from their mobile devices.
4. Easier Reblogging: When you like a post by another blogger, and want to discuss it on your own blog, it might be easier to do on ENV2. You can post content from the blog you like while still giving credit to the original author.
5. Easier Sharing of Content: If you want to share a particular blog post across social media channels like Twitter or Facebook, ENV2 makes it easier to do. You can share the post and the comments and link back to the original post.
6. Content Locking Features for Restricting Access: This feature will be useful for product marketers who want to urge readers to a Call to Action before they are allowed to read ahead. This is the feature that online paid journals use, and it can benefit bloggers who are creating valuable information products.
So Blog Beast is going to be accessible to people of all ages 18+ and with all types of computer literacy. In other words, this means that anyone can make money (online) with Blog Beast, given they have the will to succeed, and the ability to overcome the journey and learning curve to reach their goals.
About Author:
Blog Beast in which Empower Network invested Million and one year to develop, offers a multitude of features not yet seen among the current generation of blog software. Empower Network Version 2.0 (ENV2) platform is a simple, two click blogging platform meaning that with two clicks, you can create a blog post and broadcast it out to the world. It is a unique, game changer and must have for anyone building an online presence. It's is a MUST for ANYBODY building an online presence, including business owners, entrepreneurs, marketers, realtors, and professionals.
Tags: blog beast, empower online business, empowered online entrepreneurs, empoweringonlineopportunities, ENV2, online business opportunities