Relegen Releases AssetDNA Software Quick Tour Video on YouTube

Relegen has released a second video showcasing its asset intelligence technology on YouTube.

Relegen, a leading supplier of people and technology solutions to Defence, maritime, law enforcement, mining and asset-intensive industries, has released a second video showcasing its asset intelligence technology on YouTube. The new full HD video is an assetDNA software quick tour and illustrates some of its advanced capabilities as part of a series of short videos which are being published online progressively.

The new quick tour video clip reinforces the importance of asset data integrity for better strategic and operational decision-making. Central to this message is the video's demonstration of the assetDNA ID that is assigned to each asset, component or part, upon set-up. This is a globally unique identifier that differentiates each individual asset and gives full item-level visibility as they move through workflows, locations, custodians, servicing, lifecycles, part-rotations, supply-chains and more. assetDNA is then able to pass this globally unique ID onto operational assets using 1D/2D barcode or HF/UHF RFID tagging systems and collect field operations data using mobile applications.

The quick tour also shows viewers how assetDNA can be easily customised with user-defined asset structures, fields, and filtered views, and database triggers and alerts. Organisations can take full advantage of this flexible interface to build a complete asset profile and single point of truth. Data fields can be created for any 'thing' that is important for the business, such as asset class, serial numbers, locations, custodians, due dates, photos and videos, links to websites or documentation such as warranties, manuals, inspection and test certificates and much more. assetDNA can also take real-time inputs from infield devices and replicate data from corporate systems for a full 360 degree view.

The assetDNA software quick tour video is free to watch and runs for 6 minutes. It is ideal for those seeking an understanding of how asset intelligence software works to improve organisational asset data quality and their approach to enterprise asset management. It is available for immediate viewing on both the assetDNA and Relegen YouTube channels.


Tags: Asset intelligence software, enterprise asset management, globally unique asset IDs

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Relegen is a leader provider of professional services and enterprise intelligence technology solutions.

Elisa Davies
Press Contact, Relegen Pty Ltd
Relegen Pty Ltd
34/6 Jubilee Avenue
Warriewood, NSW 2102