Relegen's assetDNA Technology a Finalist in the Prestigious 2015 Maritime Australia Limited Industry Innovation Awards

Relegen today announced that its assetDNA enterprise asset intelligence technology solution has been named a finalist in the Pacific 2015 Maritime Australia Limited Industry Innovation Awards.

​Relegen, a leading supplier of professional services and enterprise intelligence technology to Defence, maritime, law enforcement, mining and asset-intensive industries, today announced that its assetDNA technology solution has been named a finalist in the Pacific 2015 Maritime Australia Limited Industry Innovation Awards.

Relegen has been selected for its innovative asset intelligence technology-based project undertaken for the Royal Australian Navy’s new Canberra Class Amphibious Assault Ship, also known as the Landing Helicopter Dock [LHD]. The novel assetDNA project provided a new automated means of capturing real-time operational data from on board asset inspection rounds and watch-keeping programs.

assetDNA is a comprehensive software-tagging-mobile solution which enables ship staff to collect, store, analyse and report on the condition and state of operational assets. The system leverages the power of auto-ID and mobile technology to improve the productivity of rounds and watch-keeping. Instead of paper-based methods, ships staff use assetDNA’s intuitive mobile app and ruggedised, high-vis barcodes and HF RFIDs, to collect data electronically from assets and compartments.

The ultimate objective is to empower ship staff to make smarter decisions, such as directing maintenance based on asset condition/usage rather than time elapsed. Quality data fed into primary systems also provides ship stakeholders with a ‘single point of truth’ and vessel-wide view – underpinning ship operations and technical seaworthiness.

A total of 10 Australian innovators have been shortlisted for the prestigious Maritime Australia Industry Innovation awards with winners to be announced at the Pacific 2015 International Maritime Exposition in Sydney on 6 October. These national awards recognise Australian organisations at the forefront of naval and commercial maritime innovation.

"Innovation isn't just about having good ideas – it's about putting good ideas to use," says Mr Ian Honnery, CEO Maritime Australia Limited. "Australians have a special relationship with the sea, and we've shortlisted 10 companies from four States who have set out to be game-changers in the global markets they're tackling."

 “We are extremely honoured to be selected as a finalist in the Pacific 2015 Maritime Australia Limited Industry Innovation Awards alongside a number of other ground-breaking Australian companies.” said Paul Bennett, Relegen’s Managing Director. “We work very hard to ensure our enterprise asset technology is world-class. We're proud that the innovation and dedication of our team has been recognised in this prestigious award selection process.”

The awards will be presented by Chairman of Maritime Australia Limited, VADM Chris Ritchie, AO, at 4.10pm on Tuesday 8 October at the Maritime Innovation Awards Showcase in Hall 3. The 2015 Pacific International Maritime Exposition will be held at the Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre, Glebe Island from 6 – 8 October, 2015.

About assetDNA®
Developed by practicing engineers in mission-critical environments, assetDNA is a comprehensive enterprise asset intelligence technology solution that helps organisations improve their approach to asset management. assetDNA integrates easy-to-use software, mobile, tablet and touchscreen applications, asset tags [Barcodes, HF & UHF RFIDs, covert security microdots, direct part marking], commercial-off-the-shelf hardware and Relegen professional services. It’s easy to integrate with corporate systems – EAMs, ERPs, CMMS’s – as well as SCADA systems, geospatial applications and more. Asset intelligence deployments range from the issue and receipt of armoury, PPE and IT equipment, automated workflows for asset inspections and certification, through to sophisticated systems for managing asset-intensive operations in defence, mining and more. Implementation can be as simple as the new out-of-the-box assetDNA Pilot Kit or a fully-customised system finely tuned to business needs. For more information, visit

About Relegen Pty Ltd [Developer of assetDNA]
Relegen Pty Ltd has a proven track record of supplying people and enterprise intelligence technology solutions to the Australian Defence Force since 2001. Today, our expertise is leveraged by clients operating in asset-intensive industries including mining, government, manufacturing, utilities and more across Australia and around the world. We are an accredited Major Service Provider to the DMOSS Panel,  a key divisional supplier to DMO Maritime, ISO 9001 certified and a preferred partner to top tier firms. Our enterprise intelligence technology solutions – assetDNA and riskDNA – help organisations unify critical enterprise information silos into a single, authoritative point of truth. Organisations can use this new-found intelligence to support faster, smarter decisions that reduce enterprise risk, maximise return on assets and drive better business performance. For more information, visit

Relegen, assetDNA and riskDNA are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Relegen Pty Ltd. All other trademarks, service marks, and product or service names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.


Tags: asset identification, asset inspection software, asset tracking, Enterprise asset intelligence, RFID

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Relegen is a leader provider of professional services and enterprise intelligence technology solutions.

Elisa Davies
Press Contact, Relegen Pty Ltd
Relegen Pty Ltd
34/6 Jubilee Avenue
Warriewood, NSW 2102