Religare Technologies Ltd. Is Now HealthFore Technologies Ltd.

HealthFore is a global Healthcare IT products and Solutions Company providing transformational and innovative Healthcare Solutions.

HealthFore Technologies Ltd. is the new name for Religare Technologies Ltd. The change of name is required to align the name and the branding with the HealthCare IT segment,which is amongst the fastest growing segments in IT/ITES and has been recognised by NASSCOM and other bodies for its enormous opportunities. Healthcare IT has to bring in innovative changes to meet the rising expectation of a large emerging middle class while bringing in increased efficiency in the US,Europe and Japan where healthcare costs have gone beyond sustainable levels. Finally governments across the world are driving initiatives to bring quality healthcare to rural and remote populations and this can only be done with the extensive use of Technology.

The focus of Religare Technologies Ltd.will be to deliver to this sector and on technologies that drive healthcare. To identify completely with this vision, Religare Technologies Ltd. has thus changed its name to HealthFore Technologies Ltd. The new Ticker is HEALTHTECH.

The new name will create an identity which reflects the domain that the company operates in, and the customer segment it services. With a focussed teamof dedicated healthcare and IT professionals and thepush to reduce healthcare cost globally, HealthFore'sproduct portfolio for the sector like Hospital information and Management Systems on Cloud, mHealth, data analytics and hosted infrastructure services,delivers a unique opportunity to create shareholder value.

HealthFore'svision is to provide innovative solutions built on leading edge technology and backed by significant domain expertise. As a provider of IT Products and Solutions to healthcare providers and consumers, HealthFore will be focused on helping them improve their business and deliverequitable, patient-centric, timely and effective care to their patients. HealthFore's products Magnum Infinity HIS & Imaging Solutions enable providers to considerably improve patient safety & patient satisfaction, gain operational efficiencies and meet regulatory obligations. They will also fill a vacant space where older legacy products are unable to utilise new technologies like cloud, big data, mobility and analyticsas also enable products to social media technology.

HealthFore'smHealth and Telemedicine solutionsprovide an integrated platform that helps in greater primary healthcare access to larger segments of the population, including increased access to healthcare & health-related information as well as improved ability to diagnose & track diseases.

A team of 300+ dedicated professionals with extensive domain experience in HealthCare IT delivers this vision across more than 10 countries and the change of name to HealthFore Technologies Ltd. will enable this vision to be clear and precise in the eyes of our customers, employees and associates and build value for our shareholders, customers and employees.


Tags: Healthcare IT, Healthfore, Religare Technologies

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Saurabh Singh
Press Contact, Healthfore Technologies Ltd.
Healthfore Technologies Ltd.