Reliquary Press Announces Newest Publication, The Journey of Jacob Bleek by Jeffery Scott Sims
Online, January 31, 2012 ( - The Journey of Jacob Bleek surrounds the reader with fantastical vistas and introduces a spectrum of characters from hermits to wisemen and royalty along an epic trek by young Bleek in his twenty-first year. Follow Jacob Bleek in his adventures and you will feel the mounting suspense as he finds a new twist with every harrowing encounter. Bleek's dreams for real knowledge and genuine power to control magic take him to many strange and treacherous places. Be forewarned: with gaining limitless knowledge, peering into and behind all creation, you lose the ability to hope and dream. If you dare, Jacob Bleek will take you on a powerful journey beyond your wildest dreams.
The Journey of Jacob Bleek a novel by Jeffery Scott Sims (ISBN number 978-0-9841833-7-1) is now available on iBooks, Kindle and Nook or in paperback for $13.95 from online retailers, or may be ordered directly from the publisher at
There are things we were not meant to know, and powers we were not meant to command. Such mortal limits mean nothing to Jacob Bleek, an ambitious wizard on a quest to master the universe's deepest secrets. But first, he must face a gauntlet of challenges that will test his magic skills to their utmost, and put his sanity and soul to the ultimate test... a test Bleek may not survive.
Jeffery Scott Sims, a degreed anthropologist and author of dozens of short stories published in magazines and anthologies, makes his home in Arizona, a region he has explored and photographed for several years, and which forms the backdrop for many of his sinister tales. Full information on his writings and publications, and a growing collection of essays devoted to the weird tale, may be found at the author's literary web site:
Tags: author, book, Fantasy, fiction, novel, publisher