Remote Consulting USA's New Online COBOL Generator Simplifies COBOL Application Development

Remote Consulting USA has developed an Online COBOL Shell Program Generator to help COBOL programmers everywhere expedite their development tasks.

With only a few entries online into a form, COBOL programmers can now generate an ANSI-85 compliant COBOL shell program in under 2 minutes! High-level program information is ALL that is needed in order to generate a complete shell program source listing.

Generated in each program are complete COBOL divisions with required sections in each division including the; Identification Division, Environment Division, Data Division and Procedure Division. Environment Division SELECT/ASSIGN statements and Data Division FD statements are generated for up to four (4) input/output files and can include expanded copybooks is the user chooses to upload them via the online form.

By entering only FILE and/or COPYBOOK names with the option of uploading a TXT file version of your copybooks, the Online COBOL Shell Program Generator creates a source code listing that includes the following:

• Identification Division - including program ID, author, date written, date compiled fields and includes the 'flower box' program description
• Environment Division - SELECT and ASSIGN statements for up to four (4) input/output files
• Data Division - produces all FD's for the input/output files declared in the Environment Division including type of file, record length and any primary index on VSAM or indexed files
• Working-Storage Section - allows entry of up to eight (8) copybook names and will expand uploaded copybooks for Working-Storage
• Linkage-Section - allows entry of up to eight (8) linkage section copybooks and will expand uploaded copybooks for Linkage-Section.
• Procedure Division - produces a 1000-MAIN-PROCESS paragraph and allows up to eight (8) procedure division copybooks to be declared and if uploaded will expand the copybooks in the source listing.

This approach has proven to be faster even than doing a copy/paste or copy of an existing program. By using this online COBOL generator, the programmer eliminates the need for basic program editing from having copied an existing program and the result is a shell program with all the program specific information already contained within the generated source listing.

Three (3) easy steps are all that are required to generate a complete source listing in less than 2 minutes!

• ENTER your high-level program information
• GENERATE your source code listing
• DOWNLOAD your source code listing

For more information, please visit:


Tags: Application Development, computer consulting, mainframe computers

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Forrest Ward
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Columbia, SC 29223