Creates the Most Comprehensive Free Mugshot Removal Solutions Online has a proven track record as the longest-running reputation management solution for anyone dealing with mugshots.

Guaranteed removals reviews

Since its inception in 2012,'s goal has been to educate clients so that they are empowered to take control of search engine results and suppress negative content online. Over the years most clients are interested in learning the process and how it works, but few are ready to execute a reputation management strategy.'s products and services have gone through many iterations over the years, starting out with a DIY Free Mugshot Removal toolkit that consisted mainly of an e-book, private YouTube videos, and stock photos, and then launching Control Your Search, which consisted of video training, an update to the original e-book, and complimentary video training. These products explained how to remove mugshots from the internet for free. The implementation was clunky, and the LMS was not intuitive enough for what was desired. open-sourced the training and listed it online at no cost while adding more content. Also added to the training was an extensively curated list of over 375 web properties that anyone can register on and create a profile.

By following the training and registering themselves on all the profiles, clients can outrank negative information online, including mugshots. There are many steps in this process, and it can take significant time for someone to fully complete. So only the most motivated clients seem to find this solution effective and beneficial. Today offers guaranteed removals with a mugshot removal service. With the most comprehensive database of contact information listed on their website, some clients still find difficulty in getting mugshot websites to remove their images. This comes even as newly enacted legislation takes hold in many states across the country.

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Mike Benson



Tags: mugshot removal, mugshots online, removing mugshots

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Reputation management and monitoring.

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