Renowned Acupuncturist and Author Speaks on Fertility Options

Dr. Kathleen Albertson, licensed acupuncturist, and herbalist, specializing in infertility and women's health spoke at the Southwest region of Resolve, The National Fertility Support Group on Tuesday, September 21, st in Irvine California.

Irvine, CA, October 1, 2010 - Dr. Kathleen Albertson, licensed acupuncturist, and herbalist, specializing in infertility and women's health spoke at the Southwest region of Resolve, The National Fertility Support Group on Tuesday, September 21, st in Irvine California. "Studies show that acupuncture ( ) in combination with IUI (intrauterine insemination) or IVF (in vitro fertilization) increases chances of pregnancy by 40 to 60%." "I encourage all couples facing fertility to explore this option as it is often underutilized and undervalued as a treatment option. "An improved take-home baby rate is what we're looking for, and integrating Eastern and Western medicine seems to be the right combination!"

Dr. Brian Acacio, Medical Director of Acacio Fertility Center, of Laguna Niguel, California discussed Western treatment options for IU I, IVF, and immunology issues. He introduced Dr. Albertson as the most prominent fertility specialist in Orange County.

Dr. Albertson is the author of "Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine ( ) for Women's Health: Bridging the Gap between Western and Eastern Medicine." She holds her Ph.D. in Holistic Nutrition. The body needs to be in balance-combining acupuncture, lifestyle and nutrition for the best success.

Today, more women experience unexplained infertility because of the desire to pursue education and professional careers prior to marriage and family. This, combined with long-term use of birth control, exposure to environmental toxins, chronic use of over-the-counter medications, processed foods, stress, and fatigue are causes often resolved with acupuncture.

Dr. Albertson is available for interviews and consultation. She has been in private practice for over 15 years. Irvine, CA (949) 861-8901.



Tags: acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine, Herbal Medicine, Women's Health

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OC Acupuncture, Inc
9841 Irvine Center Dr. # 170
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