Rentazoom Car Rentals- New Logo

Rentazoom Car Rentals has a new professionally designed brand logo.

Realising the importance of an outstanding brand identity and image, Rentazoom Car Rentals Barbados Chief Executive Officer and Sales Supervisor Duane Daisy, is very excited to unveil the new professionally designed logo of this company.

According to a representative of Rentazoom Car Rentals, this new logo, accompanying a distinct new look and feel gives Rentazoom Car Rentals a clear separate identity from its competitors. It also signifies their aspiration to operate across all markets whilst maintaining its high level of customer service and reasonable cost.

By now, many people may have already noticed the new logo and corporate colour on Rentazoom Car Rentals' Facebook and Twitter pages. Soon this will be featured on the website and blog as well. There was a competition where Rentazoom Car Rentals had its customers and followers on its social sites choose their favourite logo design. The two most popular designs were chosen, one for graphic and printing use and the other for online purposes.

For participating in this competition, one lucky person, Michael Bowen won a dinner for two by the picturesque Barbados seaside. This is coupled with an exciting floor show, which usually features stilt walkers, fire eating, limbo, dancers and the sounds of the Bajan Tuk Band. Pictures of this occasion will be posted on Facebook, Twitter and the company's blog.

The new Rentazoom Car Rentals logo thus far is well received by followers and customers alike.

Rentazoom Car Rentals would like to publicly say thank you to all who helped to make this venture a success.

For those who are curious or interested to see the new logo, please visit

For more information about this company please visit


Tags: Car Hire Barbados, Car Rental Barbados, customer service, new logo

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Allison Ramsay
Press Contact, Rentazoom Car Rentals
Rentazoom Car Rentals
Queen Victoria Rd
Bank Hall, St.Michael
BB 11075