Report: Personalisation Becomes the Norm for Email Marketers

Usage Increases but Testing, Reporting Still Lags

Email Marketing Personalisation Report

The era of “batch and blast” email marketing is waning, according to Email Marketing Personalisation Report, a new global research report by UK based email consultancy Holistic Email Marketing in partnership with marketing-technology provider Pure360.

Among the findings, the report shows that 94% of brands are, to varying degrees, personalising their messages to their customers and subscribers. The report also studies the number and kinds of data they use and the challenges that prevent email teams, even those with 20+ members, from expanding personalisation.

Some marketers have mastered the art and science of personalisation, using advanced data collection to personalise every aspect of the email journey, Others are testing the waters using basic segmentation on key aspects of their messages. But we were surprised to find marketers of large corporations, with large teams, stating their main challenge was lack of resources.

Kath Pay, CEO

Email personalisation: No longer a ‘nice to have’

“Now that automation and data tools are standard offerings on even mid-level email platforms, we wanted to learn how marketers are using them to personalise and enhance their messaging,” says Kath Pay, Founder and CEO of Holistic Email Marketing and author of the report.

“Some marketers have mastered the art and science of personalisation, using advanced data collection to personalise every aspect of the email journey,” Pay says.  “Others are testing the waters using basic segmentation on key aspects of their messages. But we were surprised to find marketers of large corporations, with large teams, stating their main challenge was lack of resources.”

“It’s encouraging to see personalisation is a top priority for nearly 50% of respondents with another 35% looking to implement soon,” says Komal Helyer, Marketing Director for Pure360. “As consumers we’ve been long exposed to personalisation from brands such as Amazon, Netflix and Spotify. These brands realised the power of personalisation early on and were quick to develop their experience around it.”

5 top findings in the report

1. Personalisation is becoming the norm for most marketers.
Only 18% of marketers said they aren't actively personalising - some just haven't gotten started while a tiny percentage choose not to use it.

2. Nearly all marketers have the tools for personalisation.
Six percent of marketers said they can do no personalisation using their email platforms. Almost half (49%) have access to tools for basic personalisation, while 36% are using advanced tactics such as dynamic content. Another 8% are leading the way with AI, machine learning and other technology.

3. Many email marketers don’t own the web forms they need to succeed with personalisation.
Although 72% of marketers get most of their data from web forms, 24% said the web team wholly owns those forms. That means this 24% of email marketers can’t control the design and placement of those forms in order to gather both permission as well as valuable data.

4. Marketers are moving beyond personalising only the subject line or first name. Marketers are incorporating data from email behaviour (56%), purchase history (41%), lifecycle stage (29%) and even contextual data (12%) to add relevant content meaningful to individual recipients.

5. Marketers who test their personalisation efforts rely more on campaign metrics than customer metrics.
Conversions, opens, and clicks are the top 3 metrics marketers use to measure the effectiveness of their personalisation efforts. Fewer use potentially more meaningful metrics, such as customer lifetime value or average order value, which measure performance on business goals.

How the "Email Marketing Personalisation Report" was compiled
In June 2018, the research team surveyed 203 email marketers across multiple sectors, team sizes and countries.

Access your own copy of the report by visiting the download link here .

About Holistic Email Marketing: We are an email marketing consultancy who focus on your customers’ journey. The customer, their journey and the information they provide through their actions, is at the centre of our ethos. Enabling you to benefit from email marketing strategies and email marketing programmes that achieve the 1:1 personalisation your customers desire.

About Pure360: Our company vision is to redefine email to transform our customers’ digital marketing results. Consumers deserve better customer experiences. Our goal is to make best-of-breed products that make it easier for marketers to manage the customer lifecycle and improve their customer experience.

Media Contact:

Kath Pay, Founder/CEO, Holistic Email Marketing
Telephone: +44 0203 015 0747
Email: [email protected]

Source: Holistic Email Marketing


Tags: ecommerce, email marketing, personalization, technology

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We are an email marketing consultancy who focus on your customers' journey. Enabling you to benefit from email marketing strategies that achieve the 1:1 personalisation your customers desire

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