Reporting in the Cloud - Development Component List & Label 16 Altered for Windows Azure

German software producer combit announces, that report generator List & Label can now also be used for reporting functions in the cloud computing platform Windows Azure.

German software producer combit announces, that report generator List & Label can now also be used for reporting functions in the cloud computing platform Windows Azure. Precondition for this is the Enterprise Edition or the Professional Edition with extra server/web server licenses. combit supplies a free white paper with a extensive example.

"Cloud computing is nowadays one of the most powerful movements in the IT scene," says Jochen Bartlau, project manager for List & Label. "Therefore giving ideal support for the Windows Azure platform means a major strategic step to us." The free white paper with an solid example is supposed to help developers to accomodate the reporting component step by step into applications in the Windows Azure cloud. Special utility classes facilitate the use of List & Label in Windows Azure. "For years already List & Label has proven to work well with web applications," says Jochen Bartlau and continues, "now developers working on applications in Windows Azure can profit from our experience."

To download the free white paper please go to:

Product description List & Label:

With the combit List & Label component, developers can equip their indivudual applications easily and fast with efficientfunctions to create reports, statistics, forms, lists and labels. The report generator for extensive reporting functions is accessible in English or German. It can process almost any character sets and can be integrated into a big number of programming languages.The Standard Edition of List & Label is accessible from EURO 610 / US-$795, Subscription Editions Professional from EURO 1160 / US-$2294 net. The Enterprise Edition includes server/web server licenses, for the Professional Edition they are available from 120 EURO / US-$129 net. Exchange rate from 12/01/2010.


Tags: azure, Cloud, reporting

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Lauren Bartels
Press Contact, combit GmbH
combit GmbH
Untere Laube 30