Researchers Find Processed Meat Raises Risk of Diabetes

Researchers found was that those who ate processed meat in a can, generically known as "spam," most often had a twofold increased risk of developing diabetes over those who ate little or none, according to a U.S. study.

Researchers from the University of Washington School of Medicine recently surveyed 2,000 Native Americans from Arizona, Oklahoma and North and South Dakota to look into potential reasons for their high risk of developing diabetes. Current statistics show that nearly half will have the condition by age 55.

What they found was that those who ate processed meat in a can, generically known as "spam," most often had a twofold increased risk of developing diabetes over those who ate little or none, according to a U.S. study. Spam is a common food on reservations because the government subsidizes it.

"Due to the rural locations and interest in maximum shelf life, canned foods like Spam are common staples, say boomer generation health experts Dian Griesel, Ph.D., and Tom Griesel, authors of the new books TurboCharged: Accelerate Your Fat Burning Metabolism, Get Lean Fast and Leave Diet and Exercise Rules in the Dust (April 2011, BSH) and The TurboCharged Mind (January 2012, BSH). "The incidence of diabetes among the Spam consumers was almost double those who ate the least amount. The researchers noted that unprocessed meat did not have the same relationship. Processed meats were tied to a 19 percent higher diabetes risk, while unprocessed meats were neutral."

"The researchers found no clear explanation for the link of processed meats and diabetes," adds Tom. "However, they did say that that the people who ate the most processed meats tended also to be heavier and have larger waistlines which raises the possibility that processed meats contribute to obesity. Obesity raises the risk of diabetes. It should be noted that studies consistently show a direct relationship between the consumption of processed foods and the risk of obesity, diabetes and other chronic diseases. Eliminate all the manmade refined and processed food and build your diet around all the delicious fresh, whole unprocessed foods we are designed and adapted to eat. Your ideal body composition and optimal health will be your reward."


About TurboCharged:

TurboCharged® is a groundbreaking 8-Step program that defies common weight-loss theories. It successfully delivers body-defining rapid fat loss, accelerates metabolism, and improves health and odds of longevity without gimmicks, supplements or special equipment. The TurboCharged Mind is an excellent companion book to the author's acclaimed rapid fat loss book, TurboCharged, or perfect as a stand-alone read. A series of supporting TurboCharged™ Hypnosis downloads, are available for sale via the book's website, which offer ideal guided meditations to support and direct self-hypnosis sessions for faster fat loss, greater health, reduced stress, and to quit smoking. For more information, log on to


Tags: Diabetes, diet, eating, foods, Fresh, Nutrition, spam, unprocessed food

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