Respected Leaders in Digital Learning Release Next Generation, Personalized Learning for Teachers

Answering the call for personalized, professional learning for educators, Metiri Group's research has informed the release of a new learning platform. This learning platform provides educators with the capacity to address non-cognitive skills through research-based strategies while earning certificates and micro credentials that are essential for educator development in today's market.

​​​​​Metiri Group today released Learning Revolution, a new personalized, online, professional learning platform for educators. While many educator professional learning opportunities are available, most use a one-size-fits-all model where all learners receive the same information in the same way over the same time period. Based on the research on how people learn, Learning Revolution provides personalized, self-directed professional learning. By leveraging multimodal, digital materials, Learning Revolution provides any-pace learning tailored to an individual’s learning needs. Funded in part by a National Science Foundation Small Business Innovation Research Grant, Learning Revolution fills a gap in the professional learning market by providing educators the opportunity to self-select resources, materials, and presentation formats to suit their own needs.

With a goal of helping all students be college, career, and entrepreneur-ready, educators choose among a growing library of Learning Revolution’s resources to learn about selected, malleable, meta-skills of entrepreneurship. Educators can explore instructional strategies and carefully vetted resources to support development of these meta-skills and entrepreneurial-readiness in their students. The platform includes downloadable lesson ideas and activities that educators can use with students tomorrow—or even this afternoon if necessary!

"Learning Revolution is a step in the right direction. This platform provides a strong example of personalized professional learning for educators. Our goal is not just to deliver content, but also to model best practice and give educators some experience in learning via personalization. Having the chance to see what personalization can do for engagement of teachers in the learning process is the first step in making personalization possible for our students."

Cheryl Lemke, CEO/President of Metiri Group

“This work in entrepreneur-readiness is a natural progression from our work with 21st Century skills,” reflects Cheryl Lemke, Metiri Group’s CEO. “Metiri has a long history of providing relevant, timely information and resources for classroom use. After months of research and development, we are looking forward to collaborating with educators in the Learning Revolution platform and seeing more teachers use these materials with students.”

TNTP’s recent research report on professional development in the U.S. should be a call to action for the nation. The Mirage Research Report found that up to half of teachers struggle with engaging students in instruction and with teaching higher-order thinking skills. Despite substantial investments of time and money, very little professional development seemed to have an impact on classroom instruction. Metiri’s Learning Revolution addresses these issues with a personalized format that allows educators to select both how and what they learn so they can begin with the resources that will be most relevant to their current teaching context. The research-based instructional strategies are specifically focused on engaging students in learning activities and encouraging higher-level thinking. The digital resources provide classroom-based examples and classroom appropriate activities which will allow educators to immediately apply what they learn, thus initiating instructional change from the very beginning.

Jody Britten, Senior Associate at Metiri, stated, “Our research and input from educators has clearly shown trends in what educators want in professional learning. They are seeking personalization and quality materials that have a sound research base. We listened to educators around the world, and brought to market a tool that will exceed their expectations.”

The web-based platform can be used by individuals and small groups of educators in professional learning communities, blended learning situations, or face-to-face. With the addition of wrap-around services provided by Metiri Group staff members, Learning Revolution is infinitely personalizable for any teacher, administrator, learning community, staff, or district. Educators can learn more at

About Metiri Group ( The Metiri Group has been serving the education community for over 15 years through a broad range of products and services that empower individuals, companies, foundations, educators and educational institutions to use technology in powerful and meaningful ways and foster 21st Century, digital learning skills in students, teachers, and administrators. Our clients include schools, districts, universities, foundations, government agencies, community organizations, international companies, and other education firms. Our products and services are focused on four core areas: 21st Century Skills, Digital Learning, Evaluation, and Research. We tailor all services to the specific needs of our clients.

Press Contact: Laurene Johnson  310.822.1200 [Press kit available upon request.]


Tags: Digital Learning, Education, Educator Retention, Online Learning, Personalized Learning, Teacher Learning

Jody Britten
Senior Associate, Metiri Group