Rethink Rehab. Addiction Recovery: It's Not What You Think!

A Home Away Retreat provides guests with innovative, intimate, and individualized recovery retreats in a non-institutional setting.

A Home Away Retreat is located on the beautifully serene and brilliantly natural Lakeridge Estate, which overlooks the magnificent Okanagan Lake in Kelowna, Canada. Guests of A
Home Away experience an addiction recovery retreat suited to each person, unlike anywhere in the world.

"Working with a maximum of only 8 guests at a time, we are able to focus our attention to the needs of each individual in a way that has never before been seen in the addictions industry," says John Derry, founder of A Home Away. "Regardless of whether it is alcohol, gambling, drugs, or other forms of discontentment, the Derry Dynamic Life Model can help people live joyful and productive lives, beyond sobriety."

A Home Away is different from detox and addiction treatment centers which provide traditional medical-based care. In contrast, it caters to professionals, executives, and affluent persons and their
families who demand a certain level of service, luxury and respect while experiencing a new life of recovery free from their addiction. Included in their list of services are gourmet chefs, individual rooms and suites (no shared accommodations), spectacular views and setting, and music, art, yoga and massage therapies.

"We treat each person with the respect that they are used to because addiction retreats are positive experiences. That means we do not strip search our guests upon arrival, nor do we keep their money and medication. We trust our guests so that they too will trust us," explains Jane Derry, the General Manager and spiritual counselor of A Home Away. "Addiction recovery is a lot of hard work and our guests will confront many issues within themselves that they might have difficulty looking at. Without trust this is impossible and even though it's difficult it's worth it because the alternatives are failed lives, failed relationships, and even death."

John and Jane are married and live on the Lakeridge Estate, providing guests with an on-site example of healthy sober living as a couple.

For more information about A Home Away, please visit

A Home Away Retreat
2761 Lakeridge Road
Kelowna, BC, Canada


Tags: addiction, rehab, self help, self-improvement

About A Home Away Inc.

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Sonia Lapointe
Press Contact, A Home Away Inc.