Revealed: The New Secret Strategy for Profitable Businesses

Experts say coaching is the new secret weapon for successful entrepreneurs. However many have no idea what coaching entails. Now business owners can eavesdrop on one of the world's top coaches coaching.

Business coaching is emerging as one of the top resources for successful entrepreneurs. As stated in Business Wire "The business demand for coaching is nearly doubling each year". Former CEO of Home Depot, Bob Nardelli has said "I absolutely believe unless people are coached they never reach their maximum capabilities".

Moore Master Coaching sponsor of the series Insights and Revelations: Inside the World of Master Coaches seeks to enlighten people to the power of coaching by allowing them to hear what real coaching sounds like. Business owners and anyone curious about coaching, for the first time can actually listen to a professional coaching session by one of the best coaches in the world, either on demand by listening to a previously recorded call or they can participate in a live call. On Tuesday September 27, 1-2pm EST Moore Master Coaching will be holding a live call with Internationally renowned business coach Andrea J. Lee. Entrepreneurs also have the opportunity to experience coaching firsthand by submitting themselves as a potential candidate to be coached by Andrea on the call.

Many who are not familiar with the coaching process erroneously assume it is like a counseling session, which couldn't be further from the truth. According to The Business Journal, "a coach is part advisor, part sounding board, part cheerleader, part manager, and part strategist."

During this one hour call, Andrea will demonstrate her unique and masterful coaching skills, offer inspiring insights, and take questions from professional coaches and coaches in training, as well as other participants on the call.

Andrea is one of the most familiar and respected names in the entire coaching industry. She first came to prominence in 2001 as the general manager of CoachVille, the largest network and trainer of coaches in the world. And as such, Andrea worked closely with its founder, Thomas Leonard, the man considered to be the father of modern professional coaching, for the two years prior to his death in 2003.

Andrea has continued by being a brilliant visionary and innovator in products, services and cutting edge thought for the coaching industry. She is also an award-winning author, entrepreneur, mentor, coach and consultant to business owners on five continents.

Among Andrea's many areas of expertise she is well known for assisting clients in discovering how to cut through the noise in an overwhelmed business market and dominate their category with ideas that turn into real cash quickly.

As Alicia Forest, MBA, CEO of said about working with Andrea "I made $10k this month! And I did it by following Andrea's 'pink spoon' marketing model. Although I've been applying the concepts she teaches for awhile now, it still astounds me that this simple business model is so incredibly powerful - and I'm so grateful for that!"

Andrea's clients can expect to shorten their learning curve by months, and if they're willing, even years.

For more information visit

Business owners and entrepreneurs are invited to enter the contest to win the 30 minute coaching session with Andrea as a part of the live call.
Entry is quick and easy, simply fill out the brief form including the coaching topic.
Andrea will be selecting one of the submissions and everyone will be notified by 3pm EST, Monday September 26.


Tags: Business, business coaches, business owners, career, career coaches, entrepreneurs, marketing

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Gail Moore
Press Contact, Moore Master Coaching