Review Of Creating An Iphone App & Games Reveals An Interesthing Information
Online, June 25, 2011 ( - A recent review of creating your own app & games for iPhone by an internet product reviewer has brought up some revealing points. Fahme Hamid, an internet product reviewer conducted his study online last week of program that allow you to create your own app & games for iPhone for free.More information on his study can be found on his website.
Fahme found that creating an app & games for iPhone and ipad is a very real thing and he discover that iPhone and iPad are one of the great way to start your own app without any knowledge of anything app related today. "I found many people don't know anything about programming or app development at all" said Fahme. They just had the funny idea and took action to make it real and now averaging about $10,000 per day from this stupidly simple application.
He note that he will show something real quick.Stats have show that if you have a free app that gets into the top 100 downloaded app list in the Apple store, the owner makes between $400 to $5000 per day.Yes PER DAY.It obviously depends of course where you are in the list.
"As you can see,developing your own apps is a real way to make huge money.People had just to realize how easy it is to make your own app.Don't believe that it is just way too difficult to start and need to much money and top level programming skills for that. " said Fahme Hamid
Fahme also want to point that there also a myth that you must have a super power MAC computer to develop games but what if you have no mac and use a window based pc? No problem at all!.There is no need to speen thousand dollar for Mac computer.You can start your development on your window based pc with several easy tricks.You just install easy MAC EMULATOR which provide the fully functional development enviroment on your window based pc. "An extra hundred cash each month is not to hurt especially if the task is so simple and more over, it just require the internet connection," he added.
To read more about how to create your own app and games for iPhone and iPad feel free to visit
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