Revolutionary New Stop Smoking Technique Developed by Yorkshireman In the UK

A new revolutionary meditative stop smoking technique you can use on your PC, Laptop or most mobile devices. Little or no willpower required, and virtually no withdrawal symptoms.

A new revolutionary stop smoking technique has been developed by Huddersfield man John Edmonds on a double DVD set launched this week. Mr Edmonds says: "The technique is simple, easy and effective using a PC, Laptop, or mobile device such as an iPAD or mobile phone. If the instructions are followed, then there's very little (or no) willpower required and virtually no withdrawal symptoms, and no gum, patches, hypnosis, acupuncture, cigarette substitutes or the like."

Mr Edmonds smoked over 40 cigarettes a day for over 40 years until he gave up in 2003. After decades of trying to stop using various different stop smoking methods, he developed his technique based upon scientific and medical research from leaders in mind/body health around the world, and fully explained by Mr Edmonds on his DVD. He said: "I've been telling friends and business colleagues about my stop smoking technique for years, which I really only developed for my own use. It worked exceptionally well, and people have been saying that I should make a DVD to help others give up using the same method. To be honest, it's taken me almost 10 years to get around to it, but I decided about a month ago that I really am obligated to share the method with other people."

Mr Edmonds goes on further to say: "To provide a clue about how the technique works, it has been proven scientifically that the human brain can only ever think about one thing at a time. We think we can think of lots of things at once, but this is an illusion and simply the brain rapidly fluctuating from one thought to another. So therefore, by definition, if we get the brain to focus on one single solitary thought to the exclusion of all other thoughts, and for a length of time exceeding the time it takes for the smoking urge to subside (which it always does for a while at least,) then the brain simply cannot think about smoking at the same time. When the urge returns again later, the technique is repeated, and over a few days, the smoking urge starts to go away. Within 2 weeks, the urge virtually disappears for good."

The technique has now been submitted to several medical professionals to attract endorsements, and sales have already come in from the USA, Australia, Spain and the UK. Mr Edmonds would be most happy to speak with medical professionals in the UK who feel that they may be able to use his technique in their Stop Smoking programmes or clinics. Meanwhile, the Edmonds Stop Smoking Technique Double DVD is available from Amazon in the UK.


Tags: cigarettes, Edmonds, help, nicotine, smoking, stop, technique

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