RGM-Trading Sponsors Christmas Charity Walk for Breast Cancer Awareness
Online, December 5, 2011 (Newswire.com) - RGM-Trading has been working diligently to sponsor fifteen people in a charity walk for breast cancer. RGM-Trading is an options trading company that has been donating a large portion of their holiday bonuses for the past eight years to a number of different charity organizations. This year the company thought it would help sponsor a new cause, Breast Cancer Awareness. As the year comes to a close the numbers of people affected by the cancer grows increasingly. A RGM-Trading spokesperson said, "We know the walk will be a bit cold this holiday season but it's for a great cause, and we as a society need to step up a find a cure." The spokesperson, whose name will remain anonymous, has been touched greatly by the disease as her motherly has recently passed away from the illness. According to the Canadian Cancer Society over 23,000 cases of Breast Cancer have been found in women this year and over 5,000 of those cases have been fatal. This epidemic is of growing concern and every penny counts. RGM-Trading's employees are donating over fifty percent of their holiday bonuses this year; in addition to each volunteer going door-to-door to raise money for this growing concern.
One volunteer, Phil Burman says, "The best present I could give this year would be a helping hand." Burman and others have dared to walk an astonishing thirty miles this Christmas holiday in order to help raise breast cancer awareness in Calgary and internationally. The event is attempting to raise 200,000 dollars for the cause. The money is just the initial step, funding the research and applying the medicine is what remains to be the biggest challenge in fighting the battle against cancer. "The walk will make strides in helping bring awareness to the cause, but the true challenge is developing the tools to prevent and avert the cancer indefinitely," says Dr. Arronds. Dr. Gene Arronds has been working as a health consultant for twelve years and recently spoke at CMA's Cancer Prevention Summit. He amongst other professionals are working day-in and day-out to bring an end to breast cancer.
Doctors aren't the only ones fighting the war against cancer. Richard Feldman, an industrial designer, has printed shirts and coasters with the phrase "Chests are the Best," and has been selling them around his office in hopes to gain more money. "Yeah, I wanted to think of something catchy, and the phrase just came to me," says Feldman. This is the first year he has participated in the walk but he thinks it will be one of many more to come. He hopes that the walk will do more than raise money but also inspire others to take to the streets for the fight against breast cancer. His efforts and the efforts of RGM-Trading are one of many in the effort to raise awareness of this horrendous cancer. The holidays are a constant reminder of how affective generosity is at changing lives, which is why it is an amazing time for such an event to take place.
Tags: cancer, Charity, RGM-Trading