Riot Gear and Crowd Control Requests From Law Enforcement and Government Agencies

Trends in purchases of riot gear and crowd control equipment, services, and solutions. BidPrime identified relevant government bids and RFPs submitted by the city of Cleveland, host of the upcoming Republican National Convention. In addition, numerous other U.S. agencies are purchasing applicable products and other resources.

Riot Gear

​​BidPrime, an Austin based company which provides real-time alerts of new government bids and contract opportunities, has released an analysis on the purchases related to riot gear and crowd control. The data from this report indicates, so far in 2016, there have been 454 government bids and RFPs. In Cleveland, Ohio, there have been 10 such purchases in the past year.

Stephen Hetzel, BidPrime’s Operations Officer, discussed the findings, “With riot gear and crowd control purchase activity, everyone again sees how government procurement activity is often shaped by current events. It is indeed notable how this has become a significant focus of government and law enforcement agencies across every locale of the U.S., large and small.”

"With riot gear and crowd control purchase activity, everyone again sees how government procurement activity is often shaped by current events. It is indeed notable how this has become a significant focus of government and law enforcement agencies across every locale of the U.S., large and small."

Stephen Hetzel, Operations Officer

Year over year totals in government bids and RFPs for riot gear and crowd control solutions:

2014: 490 by state and local governments.

2015: 619 by state and local governments.

2016 to date: 302 by state and local governments.

States with the most government bids and RFPs issued for riot gear and crowd control solutions over past year:

1) California

2) New York

3) Texas

4) Virginia

5) Michigan

About BidPrime: Launched in 2009, BidPrime is a technology company which provides real-time alerts on new federal, state, and local government bids and contract opportunities using a streamlined User Interface. BidPrime utilizes modern technology to better collect and consolidate government bids and RFPs and provides a clear and timely window into government purchasing. In addition, subscribers are provided analytic tools designed to follow emerging trends in their industries and for use of historical information for better intelligence on new leads.

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If you would like more information about this topic, or to schedule an interview with Stephen Hetzel, Operations Officer, please call Bill Culhane at 888/808-5356 or e-mail Bill at [email protected].  

Source: BidPrime


Tags: bid requests, Cleveland, crowd control, demonstrations, Donald Trump, eprocurement, government bids, law enforcement, protester, Republican National Convention, riot gear, riots

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BidPrime is a technology company which provides real-time alerts of new federal, state, and local government bids and contract opportunities, along with the associated bid documents, using a streamlined User Interface.

Bill Culhane
VP of Marketing, BidPrime
1301 S I-35 (200)
Austin, TX 78741
United States