Rising Stars Derrick N. Ashong & Soulfege Release Their New Video: Love Rain Down

Ghana-born Derrick N. Ashong & Soulfège are set to release their new video of the song "Love Rain Down" on November 7, 2011

New York, NY-Ghana-born Derrick N. Ashong & Soulfège are set to release their new video of the song "Love Rain Down" on November 7, 2011, the first video and one of the most popular cuts from their latest successful CD release, AFropolitan. This band of very talented musicians from a diverse variety of impressive backgrounds has brought together a festive amalgam of musical styles on AFropolitan. With this new video they provide the viewer/listener an outstanding sample of their formidable gospel chops along with a compelling animated visual narrative that reflects their homage to African verbal history through the lens of African-American blues mythology. The group has perpetually electrified audiences with their joyous 'Afropolitan' fusion, and with this video release they provide an engaging visual account which further enhances one's appreciation of the song, as well as for their considerable depth and creative talents.

"Here are musicians, poised with a positive vibe and with lyrics so uplifting that you actually believe, if only for one night, that slowly, out of a species-wide weariness for discord and conflict, a new world mood may emerge from the street and the Net, somehow defying the odds-a spirit of promise and hope and harmony, a spirit that denies dissonance. Soulfège lets us dream such sweet dreams, in vibrant colors."-VanityFair.com

The video for "Love Rain Down" was produced by Matey Odonkor and Derrick N. Ashong and was directed by Derrick and Brian Elig. It begins with an aerial shot of a cabin as the rain pours down, and as the 'camera' moves through a window we see an elderly man in overalls recounting a story to his three grandchildren. As the song/story progress what unfolds is a reinterpretation of the familiar blues myth of Robert Johnson going to the crossroads to make his deal with the devil. Yet in this retelling, certain tropes from African culture are integrated to create a mesmerizing whole. The protagonist of the old man's story is a boy named Johnny who wears around his neck an amulet given him by his mother who represents Africa and the boy's African heritage. The amulet is a powerful Adinkra symbol known as "Gyenyame"-roughly translated as "no one is greater than I, except God"-and Adinkra symbols are among dozens of talismans that serve as 'visual proverbs' in the culture of the Akan peoples of Ghana. "Love Rain Down" embodies the culture of Ghana and much of West Africa through its reverence for ancestral wisdom and support, and symbolizes the passing of wisdom and strength both generationally and geographically (from Africa to America and beyond). At the same time it evokes a metaphoric comment on the difficult problems of the world today, the frequently ambivalent relations between the US and Africa, and encourages those less privileged and powerful to stand up and raise their voices against evil and injustice.

"Its [Soulfège's] members realized they had the platform to reach ears not only with their music-a fusion of thumping African music and rhythms, sweet reggae breezes, funk, and hip-hop-but also with their message."
-The Boston Globe

Derrick N. Ashong & Soulfège is a critically-acclaimed, refreshingly original and exciting group of musicians who have synthesized an eclectic blend of Hip-Hop, Reggae, Funk, World Beat and West African Highlife music to create an integral musical melange of style and substance. They combine driving rhythms, authentic musicianship, the crisp harmonies of Ghanaian Derrick, and co-founder and fellow Harvard alum Jonathan M. Gramling, with provocatively elevating lyrics, resulting in a combination that transcends and defies even the most imaginative of descriptive capacities. They are a compelling live act and much of their music can be downloaded for free on www.derrickashong.com.

Contact info: Janet Castiel, Redwood Entertainment Inc., (212) 543-9998 [email protected]
For more info: Management, M. Quentin B.L. Williams, The Butler Lappert Williams Firm PC, (212) 572-4822
[email protected] [email protected] ####


Tags: Derrick N. Ashong & Soulfège, Harvard, Love Rain Down, music, Redwood Entertainment

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