RoboCounsellor Delivers Conventional Counselling in an Unconventional Way

RoboCounsellor interactively delivers conventional counselling free of charge to almost anyone. It does this by taking conventional counselling actions and duplicating not the actions themselves but their essence. It came online on October 31, 2009.

Newcastle, UK - Paul N. Adams announces the launch of an innovative website, RoboCounsellor at, that delivers conventional counselling to registered users. Registration is free to anyone.

Adams has been involved with counselling and self-development since 1972. PaulsRobot, his first interactive counselling website went online in August 2006. Adams has several other free self-development applications online, including YouTube videos. These applications are detailed at, along with unsolicited testimonials from over 60 people.

Background theory: In conventional person-centred therapy, as developed by Carl Rogers, the client talks about whatever concerns her, often in a jumbled-up fashion. Every now and then, the counsellor - while being honest and transparent, non-critical, and empathic - will tentatively reflect back to the client in brief both the factual and emotional content of her story. These repeated second views, without added interpretation or opinion from the counsellor, should allow the client over time to untangle her concern to her satisfaction.

RoboCounsellor works similarly in formal sessions, with the client giving details of whichever part of her concern that comes to mind. She is then directed both by voice and written instruction to get a second and closer look at the factual content of that part, and then its emotional content. She is then invited to give details of the next part, and will then take a second look at its factual and emotional content. And so on. She is able to go back and make minor edits, or even redo the whole thing. Her view of the situation will change during the session as she sorts things out. In addition, RoboCounsellor has a built-in troubleshooting section to debug any session problems.

At present RoboCounsellor has one session module, delivering person-centred or Rogerian Therapy. Adams plans to have Transactional Analysis online by the end of November.

PaulsRobot currently has 18 different alternative session modules available. Adams would like to have RoboCounsellor with just as many conventional ones.

Adams says, "I am not especially interested in making a vast sum of money from such ventures. I would much prefer to have a billion people using my counselling and self-development solutions regularly to enrich their own lives at zero cost to themselves."


Tags: computer-delivered counselling, counselling, self-development

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Paul N. Adams
Press Contact, RoboCounsellor
2 Harbottle Avenue
Newcastle upon Tyne