Rock Island Grand Prix 2011 Logo Contest

The Rock Island Grand Prix, in conjunction with, is pleased to announce the 2011 Grand Prix Logo Contest.

The RIGP, the world's largest karting street race run through the city streets of Rock Island, IL., is encouraging students to design an event logo for the annual event. Deadline for entry is January 31, 2011.

The winner will receive a $250 scholarship along with VIP Hospitality Pak and pit passes for 4 adults and 4 children for the Rock Island Grand Prix, Sept. 3-4, 2011. The winner and logo will also be featured in an article in The Dispatch and The Rock Island Argus newspapers.

The competition is open to high school and college-age students. Entries can include either "concepts" or finished art work. Basic criteria include:

1) Logo should evoke an impression that supports the brand of the race. This may include but is not limited it the following images: A go-kart, a rock, a street, a river, race fans, etc.
2) Logo should be approximately 4" x 4".
3) Please limit the design to no more than 2 colors.
4) The logo needs to include the following text:

Rock Island, Illinois

*Additional wording and/or slogans are optional.

5) Logo needs to be effective when used in a variety of sizes and formats (TV, web, print, t-shirts, etc.). When printed, the logo may be presented with up to 3 Presenting Sponsor logos, so please allow adequate space to add them.

The winning entry may be modified to fit the needs of the RIGP and/or resized to fit various formats. All entries become the property of RIGP.

Entries can be submitted in paper or electronic form and should include the name, address, age, school, phone number and email address of the student entrant. Please submit entries to [email protected], or by mail at RIGP Logo Contest, c/o, 3105 18th Avenue, Rock Island, IL 61201.

Entries must be received by by January 31, 2011. One entry per person. The winner will be selected and notified by Monday, February 14th.

To learn more about the Rock Island Grand Prix, visit

To learn more about, supplier of business and campaign signs, as well as other marketing material needed for promotion, visit for an online designer, a 24 hour quote system and one-stop shopping for political campaign supplies--banners, t-shirts, note pads, direct mail, etc.


Tags: campaign materials, Campaign Signs, campaignpros, political signs

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Wade Baffa
Press Contact, CampaignPros
3105 18th Avenue Rock Island, IL
Rock Island, IL 61201