Rocket Sales in First Week of New Book Release "THE TALL TALE"

New York City, October 15, 2015 ( - There must be a reason why religious laws of many cultures prohibit the consumption of pork. Pigs have been listed in medical and dietary records as unclean animals since ancient times, but the reason for these laws has never been made more clear than in Author Leagan Kasper's ' first volume, The Lost Truth of Ancient Times, of her new book series, The Tall Tale. Mankind should not devour their evolutionary forefathers, because EBER, one of the patriarchs mentioned in the Bible, was a wild Boar, as etymologically explained in The Tall Tale, with the reader learning that the word Eber is the German word for a male boar, from which the English word boar derived. Each of the names of the Patriarchs refers to a specific species from which mankind evolved. The species Seth existed for several hundred years until it evolved into Enos, and eventually into the species of Shem, with the enormous ages of patriarchs finally adding up. Not an individual human being lived close to 1000 years, rather a Genus of a species until it completed its evolutionary cycle by evolving into a human being. But that is only one of many mysteries finally solved in The Tall Tale.
How scientists bamboozled mankind for hundreds of years, by bringing forward illogical interpretations and theories, making it into history books and taught in school, to either dumb down our children or challenge them and us to come up with a thesis that would make more sense, is brought to light in " The Tall Tale " by lionhearted American Author Leagan E. Kasper, telling the story of man's evolution through the eye witness account of a bee, remembering every step of the way,
A mother bee, the only fertile bee in a bee colony, clones herself by laying a clone egg of herself and can never die for as long as she is able to reproduce herself. But an eternal life as a bee can become boring, and never having used her stinger the bee stings a frog out of curiosity and dies. But not really, because her DNA enters the frog's eggs, causing the frog to mutate into a different species that grows fur. A fur that is of the same microscopic structure as bee's fur. Having stung the frog and leaving her life as a bee behind, the bee begins the cycle of her evolution as a frog-hybrid evolving into a very different species. This new species would become the only mammal to have slit pupils as those of reptiles and amphibians - the cat.
The Tall Tale is an astonishing feat by author Leagan Kasper, that should be taken into consideration by historians, taught in colleges and universities to rewrite history for the sake of common sense. The Tall Tale, The lost truth of Ancient Times, was released in English and in German, the German Version called, " Die Riesen Fabel", published by Korifaeus Publishing, New York City. Printed and Distributed by CreateSpace, available as paperback at bookseller internationally for $12.99. Also available as e-book.
Tags: Alternative History, Anthropology, Bees, Canaan, Cats, China, Eber, Egyptology, Ethnology, Goliath, Pigs