Rockets & Parachutes - Our New Board Dice Game Has Been Launched

The wait is over. Riaxe is delighted to launch its most buzzed about game application - Rockets & Parachutes - Board Dice Game.

The wait is over. Riaxe is delighted to launch its most buzzed about game application - Rockets & Parachutes - Board Dice Game. As promised, this is an unconventional remake of the classical snakes and ladders game. Dinosaurs, dragons, rockets and parachutes are used as primary elements. This is a fully animated board game unlike most other games in the category! The target audience of this game is two categories broadly, kids and nostalgic lovers of the classic snakes and ladders game.

The dice rules followed are similar to the classic version - just that here dinosaurs fly by rockets or fall down by parachutes. Serious diligence has been put to perfect each and every shred of this game. From walking to killing, no bit has been spared in animation. The game comprises of a number of surprises in every level, for example in level 3 - the rockets and parachutes are positioned randomly in every new game and take undeterminable paths. Flexible combination of user players and machine players can also be set up in this game.

Rich Internet Applications have always been a specialty at Riaxe and all edges were polished to make this an experience to remember. The best of the best have been used when it comes to technologies. Tech used:

• JQuery
• CSS 3
• AppMobi
• Intel XDK
• Direct Canvas
• JS
• Flash CS6
• PhotoShop

About the Company:
We are an offshore IT solutions provider pioneering in most web, desktop and mobile technologies. We design cross platform iOS and Android apps and games using HTML5, Adobe AIR, titanium, marmalade and many other frameworks and platforms. Feel free to follow us on Twitter & like us in our official Facebook page.


Tags: board dice game, iOS game, kids game

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