Rodney Lough Jr. Featured In Popular Photo Magazine Again
Online, October 16, 2012 ( - Popular Photography Magazine published yet another great feature article on Rodney Lough Jr and his many critical and artistic successes as a Master Wilderness Photographer in their October 2012 issue. In it they discuss many different aspects of Rodney Lough Jr. and his career.
Rodney's favorite joke is that he is the most famous person you've never heard of. Unless you're an aspiring wilderness photographer, and/or a subscriber to Popular Photo Magazine, he is probably right about that. If you are already a photography enthusiast or a fine art collector then you are certainly already familiar with his work, but those yet unconverted to the wonder and beauty of nature photography may be sadly unaware.
Have you ever wondered which cameras he uses? Or what film? He goes into great detail about what cameras he has used over the years and why, and what film he prefers.
Or perhaps you have wondered what new projects he is up to now? The article touches on all these topics and more. His newest project may be his most exciting yet. His mission is to bring the majesty and wonder of nature at her best and brightest into every home and office in the world. His next project has him poised to do just that, and it stands to make him a household name on par with Ansel Adams and Thomas Kinkade. But you'll have to read the article to find out exactly what it is. Look in their back issues for volume 76, issue number 10.
Find more of Rodney Lough Jr.'s WILDERNESS PHOTOGRAPHY here
Read more of Popular Photo Magazine here
Tags: popular photo magazine, Rodney Lough Jr., wilderness photography