Romania Hosts The Conference On Platform For Security And Cooperation In Europe and Asia

The Bucharest conference will debate the key elements of the Platform of Security and Cooperation in Europe and Asia and will up-hold a response to the peace initiatives tabled by President of Kazakhstan of Nursultan Nazarbayev.

The Romanian capital: Bucharest, will host the principal conference dedicated to security and cooperation issues in Eurasia region for this year.

The Conference on Platform for Security and Cooperation in Europe will forge an European and Romanian diplomatic elite response to the new challenges on security in Europe and Asia.

The conference will analyze the most recent proposal put forward to achieve a security area from Atlantic to Pacific and a series of instruments to create confidence building measurements, and ways to resolving frozen conflicts in Euro-Asian region and to ensure detente on world scale.

In September 2012, at the Astana Conference on Central Asian Confidence Initiative (CICA) the President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev had presented a complex plan to achieve peace and stability in XXI century.

The Bucharest conference, organized under the High Patronage of Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation, will debate the response that Europe must present to this peace and security initiative on global level.

The conference will listen to key world policy makers such as former Romanian President Mr. Emil Constantinescu, President of Romanian Parliament-Valeriu Zgonea, professor dr. Anton Caragea, President of Grampet Group Mr. Gruia Stoica, Director of European Diplomatic Academy Mr. Mircea Constantinescu, Kazakhstan Ambassador Mr. Talgat Kaliyev, Minister Dan Sova on behalf of Romanian Government etc.

The new Platform for Security and Cooperation in Europe and Asia will allow Romania and Europe to regain a voice and an identity on international level.

In the last decade, Europe find herself paralyzed in his international politics actions by a list of frozen conflicts in Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Kosovo , hampered also by economic crisis and by debt crises and last but not least by a lack of long term vision of Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe ( OSCE).

On his turn, the Asian continent is confronted by the absence of a general security forum like OSCE, is highly fragmented on security issues and is confronted by a period of inter-state`s conflicts and tensions, aroused by economic crisis and the rapid pace of globalization.

In order to avoid new global conflict, that could destroy the nation-states and put under question the present day international relations system, the only solution is to build a Platform for Security and Cooperation, that will unite all the states and organizations that will uphold as sacred a list of international law principles .

This list of principles such as: independence, national statehood, the non-interference in internal affairs and the cooperation based on reciprocal advantages and equality of small and big states and the relinquishing of the use of force or threat of using force and banning aggressive concepts such as: preventive strike and humanitarian intervention will appear as a necessity on global level.

The Bucharest conference will debate the key elements of the Platform of Security and Cooperation in Europe and Asia and will up-hold a response to the peace initiatives tabled by President of Kazakhstan of Nursultan Nazarbayev.

For Romania, the replay can only by a positive one.

Romania is a nation that sustained constantly and sincere, all the peace and confidence building measurements on world stage in the last 100 years and a nation that created by his ideas the fundaments of the theory of relinquishing and banning the use of force or threat of force in the sphere of international relations.

The voice of Romania, the voice of peace and moderation, can be heard once more in the Conference on 13 November 2012.


Tags: President of Grampet Group M, President of Romanian Parliament, professor Dr. Anton Caragea, Romanian President Mr. Emil Cons

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