Roni Deutch, the Tax Lady, Is Back

Roni Deutch, the 'Tax Lady' is BACK, at After battling the California Attorney General's office for five long years, Roni Deutch is now dedicated to helping Taxpayers Connect with Tax Professionals for help with their IRS tax matter.

After owning the nation’s largest and most successful tax resolution law firm in the Unites States for over two decades, Roni Deutch, the ‘Tax Lady ’is back with a focus on Connecting Taxpayers with Tax Professionals. “People who owe the IRS over $7,500 or have unfiled tax returns should speak with a tax professional today to learn their legal rights and options”, states Deutch. “After all, the IRS can garnish your wages, levy your bank account and take your property, which is why I urge taxpayers who owe the IRS, to go to and connect with a CPA, Tax Attorney or Enrolled Agent and get the help they deserve”, she adds. will help taxpayers receive a free, no obligation consultation with a tax professional. “In my two decades of practicing tax law, I met taxpayers who could not find a solution to their tax problems and it cost them everything. Some people even kill themselves which is absolutely unbelievable to me”, states Deutch. Many tax issues have simple resolutions but taxpayers need to know where to go and who to speak with for help.

"I built the largest tax law firm of it's kind in the country and was retained by approximately 100,000 taxpayers nationwide. I had a perfect record with the State Bar of California with no record of any disciplinary action for about 22 years. I built the 4th fastest growing franchise concept in the county at that time. I employed thousands of people including hundreds of attorneys. I authored two tax books, produced an award winning tax documentary and was in big demand by numerous TV and radio talk shows and news programs like CNN, The Today Show, Fox, Fox News, ABC, CBS, NBC and others.

Roni Deutch, Tax Consultant

Right now approximately 30 to 40 million people owe the IRS, with millions more in need of tax return preparation assistance. “ will be the go to source for taxpayers in need of all things tax related because it will connect taxpayers with a CPA, Tax Attorney or Enrolled Agent”, boasts Deutch. “Unfortunately without professional tax help many taxpayers lose everything, give up hope and drop out of the tax system altogether which costs this country billions of dollars every year”, adds Deutch.

Deutch knows what it’s like lose everything and feel hopeless. In a very humiliating and sensational manner, California Attorney General Kamala Harris charged Deutch with committing 1609 separate crimes, arguably the largest number of crimes ever filed against anyone in California. Had she been found guilty on all counts, Deutch was facing 22 years in jail. “For almost 5 years, I fought back against one of the most powerful politicians and legal systems in the country and won. All 1609 charges filed against me were dropped. There was no guilt. No fraud. No wrongdoing. No dishonesty. No moral turpitude. No stealing of any of my client’s money and no shredding of 2.2 million client documents”, states Deutch. “I know what it’s like to fight against a very powerful government agency with unlimited power and resources and it’s awful”, she adds.

More than ever before, Deutch knows the importance of having the right professional on your side no matter what you’re going through. “Regardless of what you’re going through, you need the right professional on your side. If you owe over $7,500 to the IRS or have unfiled tax returns, can help connect you with a tax professional and the service is free”, Deutch adds.

One thing about Deutch is her determination to use her 20 plus years of legal and business experience to move beyond the “beaten down” trap many people are forced to accept when dealing with the government. “I built the largest tax law firm of it’s kind in the country and was retained by approximately 100,000 taxpayers nationwide. I had a perfect record with the State Bar of California with no record of any disciplinary action for about 22 years. I built the 4th fastest growing franchise concept in the county at that time. I employed thousands of people including hundreds of attorneys. I authored two tax books, produced an award winning tax documentary and was in big demand by numerous TV and radio talk shows and news programs like CNN, The Today Show, Fox, Fox News, ABC, CBS, NBC and countless others, so I’m driven to help taxpayers at”, adds Deutch.

“Look, I’ve never been the type to roll over and play dead,” Deutch adds and states. “As long as I have my voice, I’m going to help the underdog and my fellow Americans fight back against the government”.

If you want to schedule an interview with Roni Deutch to discuss taxation issues, political matters or business topics, please contact Adrian Perez at 916.914.4665 or email to [email protected] . With over 20 years of media experience, Deutch brings professionalism, thoughtful commentary and tons of energy to TV, Radio and Print news outlets.


Tags: IRS, RoniDeutch, Tax Attorney, Taxes, The Tax Lady

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