Roofing Contractor Sacramento CA Warns Locals Of Heat Damage

Yancey Home Improvements, warned Sacramento homeowners of the adverse reaction of roofs' exposure to extreme heat.

Following the country's worst heat wave since 1985, Sacramento CA Roofing Contractor, Yancey Home Improvements, warned Sacramento homeowners of the adverse reaction of roofs' exposure to extreme heat.

"When you've got temperatures pushing a hundred degrees, it can really take its toll on the roof." a local roofing contractor explains. Although roofing materials are designed to withstand temperature swings, extreme heat causes a roof to expand more than usual.

"All types of roofs are affected by the heat. Some get damaged more than most," says a Yancey Home Improvement roofer. He adds, "Asphalt shingles are most vulnerable to high heat."

The roofing company warns homeowners that prolonged exposure to severe heat can cause blistering, warping, and cracking of older asphalt shingles. The company also advises homeowners to immediately have their roof checked for damage.

"Asphalt shingle roofs are not the only type of roofing material vulnerable to the heat," adds the Sacramento roofer. "Wood is just as susceptible to cracking and warping." The roofer explains that wood expands and contracts more than other common roofing materials. "The more a material expands, the higher the chances of splitting, cracking, and warping.

When asked about steel roofs, the contractor says there is not much to worry about steel roofs except for the paint. "Steel is more pliable, so it is more tolerant to heat, but the paint may not be as lucky." A roofing specialist explains that the expansion of the roof may cause the paint to stretch and eventually, crack."

"Roof paint is designed to stretch with the material, but with this much heat, don't be surprised to see peeling paint on your roof," he said. "With this much heat, there's bound to be plenty of roofing damage."

Contractors doubt that much damage can be done to slate roofs. "Your primary concern is the decking and the roof structure when it comes to slate roofs." Load-bearing wood can buckle and bend with prolonged exposure to heat.

"Slate is among the heaviest roofing material around. Coupled with heat, this can severely damage the support structure of the roof, making it more vulnerable to bending." a Sacramento roofing contractor added.


"There is not much you can do about heat waves, so the best way to prepare for heat damage is by using durable materials." a roofer says when asked about keeping roofs safe from the heat. Older roofs are more at risk of getting damaged by the heat compared to newer materials.

According to roofers, a well-ventilated roof is also more likely to avoid the damages caused by heat waves. "As air moves faster, the heat stays out of the roof space." says a local roofer. "Installing radiant barriers can also do the trick," he adds.

Reflective roofing

A new type of roofing, called reflective roofing can also curb the harmful effects of the heat wave. This type of roof reflects a certain amount of heat, so the roof surface and the attic space can remain up to 15% cooler. "Reflective roofs are seen to effectively lower roofing temperature. We recommend all users to get such type of roofing."

About us:
Yancey Home Improvements is a local Sacramento roofing contractor specializing in local roof repairs, installations, replacement, and other projects. Yancey Home Improvements carries a Better Business Bureau rating of A+, and is among the most trusted roofer in Sacramento.

Yancey Home Improvements
8250 Alpine Avenue, Suite A
Sacramento, CA 95826
Phone: (888) 378-7628


Tags: roofing, RoofingContractor, RoofingSacramento

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