Totally Redesigns Their Website And A New Line Of Products redesigns their website with a much cleaner template and a very easy to follow menu. They say that their customers have spoken and they were listening. This website is all about rosacea.... redesigns their website with a much cleaner template and a very easy to follow menu. They say that their customers have spoken and they were listening. This website is all about rosacea and rosacea treatments. Mr. Abruzzese, the owner of the website says he is just listening to what his customers want. He says they actually hired a research firm to go out and take a look at what the best rosacea treatment products are that are out there today. He says he was totally surprised with the information they returned with. He says there was one specific rosacea product on the market that one, has a 90 day guarantee. He says this is unheard of in the industry. This very same product also has a 90% success rate in clinical trials. Another unheard of within the rosacea topical treatment industry.

Mr. Abruuzese said he not only ended up with a very nicely designed new website, but also a whole new line of rosacea products. He says that this all happened due to his following of customers at their website. He said I guess the customer is always right. The website now also includes many topics for the customers to read up on so that they can really understand what rosacea is really all about. Abruzzese says you would be surprised what people really know about rosacea. He says that they sent out a poll to 10,000 people and the topic was what do you know about rosacea. He says that when the poll was all complete that only 28% of the people polled knew what rosacea even was, and that 32% did not even know there was such a thing. He says that this did not surprise him at all, as he gets questions about this all the time.

So hence the reason for putting up a lot of new information on their website on rosacea topics like: what is rosacea, rosacea treatment options, best rosacea treatments, and one that just about nobody has heard of very often and that is the rosacea diet. Mr. Abruzzese says that most people do not even know that rosacea triggers are mostly from the food that is ingested and that if people with rosacea would just keep a journal of the food they are eating and the effects of rosacea breakouts due to this type of food that they could control their rosacea much more easily. He emphasized control as he says there is no cure for rosacea at the moment so that is all that can be done for now.

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Tags: rosacea, rosacea diet, rosacea treatment

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Angelo Abruzzese
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Rosacea Treatment Authority
44554 W. Palo Nuez
Maricopa, AZ 85239
United States