Ross Crisis Management Publishes "3 Critical Lessons for the Pro Athlete"

Incoming NFL and NBA rookies get headstart with seasoned advice.

ATLANTA, GA. Ever heard of the Goldman Sachs little-league? How about the pee-wee Wall Streeters? Of course not, but you've seen five-year-olds wearing Braves, Dodgers, and Yankees uniforms. This holds profound lessons for the rookie pro athlete.

The rookie athlete is unique for many reasons. First, many are transported from poverty to wealth with the stroke of a pen. Second, few understand the toxic influence of negative associations. Thirdly, most have no strategy for transitioning into their post-sports career.

One Atlanta-based crisis management firm seeks to change this.

"This document has become required reading for every athlete my firm represents. It's that powerful," said one NFL agent, commenting on the condition of anonymity. The document he is referring to is entitled, "Preparing for Denver: 3 Critical Lessons for the Pro Athlete," and can be downloaded free at

Two of the main themes discussed in the Ebook are:

• The importance of image management
• How to plan the end of a career at its beginning

"When the professional athlete puts on the uniform and takes the field, he is representing more than himself, his family, and his team. He represents the image every little-leaguer idolized since diapers. Image management is more than one's personal image. It is being careful with the legacy in your hands," says Dennis Ross, III, author of the acclaimed work and founder of Ross Crisis Management.

Ross continues, "Few athletes can live the rest of their lives on money made while playing. Most will need to do something else when their career is over. We help our clients plan the end of their career at its beginning."

Based in Atlanta, Georgia, Ross Crisis Management advises athletes, C-level executives, and high-profile professionals in areas of strategic communications, crisis containment, and crisis prevention.

Media contact: Genesis Ross
Email: [email protected]


Tags: Free Agency, Lebron, nba, NFL, Sports Agents

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