Royal Free Hospital Childrens School

At Linear Blue we specialise in designing bespoke and custom database solutions to fit your businesses needs. With over 60 years of in-house bespoke database development experience we will deliver a solution to manage your information and streamline

Royal Free Hospital Children's School

Linear Blue deploy 'KeyPupil Hospital Edition' into The Royal Free Hospital Children's School.

Company Background

The Royal Free Hospital Children's School is a community Special School for pupils aged 5 to 16 providing high quality education for all children who are inpatients at the Royal Free Hospital. The school also provides places for a limited number of children who are not in-patients but who are receiving support from medical or mental health services. The school provides high quality lessons that produce real results in student's development.

Business Challenge

The Royal Free Hospital Children's School needed an efficient technology solution that could easily track students and produce reports easily. The school has a holistic approach to teaching and learning that takes account of each child's medical, psychological and educational needs. To fulfil these needs, the staff team discuss each student's development every morning, therefore, an effective database was crucial to store pupil's up to date information.

Linear Blue Solution

The Royal Free Hospital Children's School needed a database system with a high priority on the ability to track and manage attendance and progress of students, whether they be long or short term attendees. They wanted a system to track when a child is seen by a teacher, whether they are taught or not and whether it is in the school or on the ward. The tracking is required for reimbursement from the correct local authority for what was taught in the lessons attended (from lesson plans or home school activities) and a child's personalised learning plan (PLP) information.

Business Benefits

The Royal Free Hospital Children's School are currently in the process of transferring data into KeyPupil Hospital Edition. They have already seen improvements in the efficiency of the administration and organisation of the school. In particular, inputting data into the system is dramatically quicker in comparison to the amount of time it used to take. They used to use a paper system, but now with their KeyPupil Hospital Software, all student's information is easily stored to one place where it is readily available from anywhere on site.

- Enable continuity of learning.
- Allows the school to easily produce a vast array of reports.
- Reduces the level of paperwork for all staff - teachers, teaching assistants and administrative staff.
- Reporting meets the exact requirements of the local authority, ensuring the appropriate funding is secured for each pupil.
- Enhanced IT system by improving patient outcomes, workflow efficiencies and financial sustainability.


Tags: Apple, bespoke development, database developers, desktop development, filemaker, FileMaker Go, FileMaker Pro, iPad, iPad website development, iPhone, marketing, mobile device development, SEO, Web Development

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Rita O'Neill
Press Contact, Linear Blue
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9 Beech Court, Hurst,
RG10 0RQ