Rule Interchange Format (RIF) is Now a W3C Recommendation Standard

Today W3C published a new standard for building rule systems on the Web.

Rule Interchange Format (RIF) is Now a W3C Recommendation Standard

- A new standard for the interoperation and interchange between various rule
languages and rule engines
- A concrete XML serialization language for, e.g., model-based languages
such as OMG PRR, OMG SBVR, and the RIF RuleML subfamily of the overarching
RuleML language family
- A standard for rules on the (Semantic) Web supporting data integration,
and for business rules, making businesses more agile
- The new W3C RIF recommendation standard is to be featured at the RuleML
Semantic Rules track at SemTech 2010 and at RuleML-2010 colocated with the
Business Rules Forum

22 June 2010

Today W3C published a new standard for building rule systems on the Web.
Declarative rules allow the integration and transformation of data from
multiple sources in a distributed, transparent and scalable manner. The new
standard, called Rule Interchange Format (RIF), was developed with
participation from the Business Rules, Logic Programming, and Semantic Web
communities to provide interoperability and portability between different
systems using declarative technologies. Corporate Semantic Web at the Freie
Universitaet Berlin ( actively contributed and
co-edited several of the standards of RIF.

W3C News announcement: W3C RIF Supports Data Integration, Enterprise Agility

The new RIF recommendation is part of the Semantic Web layer cake

and, via the RIF RuleML Rosetta Ring, it can be used as a subfamily of
the overarching RuleML language family which among others contains SWRL
(RuleML+OWL), Reaction RuleML (including rule-based Complex Event
Processing), Fuzzy RuleML, etc.

The new RIF standard will be featured at the RuleML Semantic Rules track at
the Semantic Technologies conference in San Francisco

and at the 4th International Web Rule Symposium -- RuleML-2010 colocated
with the Business Rules Symposium in Washington DC

To learn more about RIF you can start with the Overview:
or the FAQ:

Further information:

MITnews article, which provides a nice high-level view, written for an
audience who has never heard of the Semantic Web:

Handbook of Research on Emerging Rule-Based Languages and Technologies: Open
Solutions and Approaches
(free sample chapter about Rule Markup Languages and Semantic Web Rule
Languages available from the menue)


Tags: RuleML, semantic web, Web Rules

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