"Running Faster" Is No Answer for Trapped Business Owners

New online service provides welcome relief for business owners trapped on their business treadmill with tools to help re-shape their business to make more money with less work, less stress and more freedom.

"Running faster on the business owner's treadmill simply does not work," says business freedom fighter Richard Keeves, founder of the new online business service My Business Freedom.

"It may be easy enough to start or buy a small business, but building it as a business and not just 'self employment' is often a different thing altogether. Self-employment in your own business can become like a treadmill, and it can be very painful to get off it - unless you re-shape the business first."

According to Mr. Keeves, business owners don't necessarily see themselves as 'courageous risk takers', but they are people who like to be independent and who start or buy a business to pursue their passion, fulfil their purpose in life or address what they see as un-met demand in the market.

"Sooner or later, many business owners find themselves trapped in their own business, in a kind of self-imposed slavery. They may have started or bought their business thinking the business was going to give them more money and the time and freedom to enjoy both their business and the lifestyle of their dreams, but the reality is often very different."

"And it's the same for many business owners throughout the world. Location does not matter. Eighty hour work weeks, no holidays, high stress... It's no fun on the treadmill, especially when you want to get off," he added.

"It does not matter about the type of business or industry," he explains, "but rather it's all about the way the owner is operating the business. The owner often creates the very traps in which they later catch themselves."

He believes this is why many owners need help, support and encouragement to change the way they are doing business.
"The business needs to work for them, rather than them just working for the business. It's an important and often life-changing difference that requires a different mindset, but the good news is it is possible to change. Fortunately, now business freedom is most definitely achievable."

Mr. Richard Keeves, a serial entrepreneur with small business ownership experience in ten different businesses in the last 30 years, has developed a new approach to helping business owners get off their treadmill to achieve and enjoy their business freedom.
He developed the 39 Principles of Business Freedom after having been part of seven different business exit strategies himself.

According to Mr. Keeves, if implemented effectively, the 39 Principles of Business Freedom can provide business owners with more money and less stress while they work less and enjoy more freedom.

"It's a process and a series of programs with proven strategies to re-shape a business to create better options for the business owner.

"Some owners want to learn how to take a few months away from their business and others want to re-shape their business to run independently under management. Some are looking to automate their business and others want to turn their business into a valuable cash-producing asset they could sell. Then they have the choice to keep the business or sell it. It's their choice and it's a good choice to be able to have."

According to Mr. Keeves, business freedom comes from having either freedom in the business or freedom from the business.

"Ultimately, it's about the business owner creating more choices and better options to free up their time so they can enjoy their life rather than simply working in their own business as an employee of the business." Mr. Keeves states.

This is why he started the MyBusinessFreedom website. The http://www.MyBusinessFreedom.com is packed with information through its blog and podcasts. In the coming weeks, they are also launching the special Business Freedom programs for business owners.

My Business Freedom provides proven strategies to help business owners re-shape their business, get off their treadmill and enjoy freedom - their business freedom.

Contact Details:
For more information, please contact Richard Keeves at http://www.MyBusinessFreedom.com
Interviews: Phone USA: + 1 415 675 8871 Australia: + 61 8 9467 1884
Email Richard Keeves directly on: richard at mybusinessfreedom.com
Media Enquries: hazel at mybusinessfreedom.com


Tags: Business, freedom, strategies

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Richard Keeves
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