Russell Budd of National Plaintiffs' Law Firm Baron and Budd, P.C. Applauds Documentary, "Hot Coffee
Online, July 5, 2011 (
Baron and Budd is one of the largest United States law firms representing victims of corporate malfeasance
The documentary, "Hot Coffee" by first-time filmmaker and former Public Justice president Susan Saladoff, accurately depicts the plight of several individuals whose attempts to seek justice for horrendous wrongs were stymied by tort reform. After Saladoff tackles the misconceptions about the McDonald's coffee spill and the resulting media frenzy, she goes on to identify other legacies of tort reform. One gut-wrenching segment showcases Halliburton's mandatory arbitration clause, signed as part of an employment contract by a nineteen-year old female who was later raped and beaten in Iraq by fellow employees. The arbitration clause left her with no access to the civil justice system.
"Hot Coffee" is an important film because it highlights what can happen when people lose their basic constitutional rights as a result of overly zealous tort reform. It also highlights the misconceptions about frivolous lawsuits," said Baron and Budd President Russell Budd. "I am proud that we've been able to help so many people, like the ones featured in this documentary, over the last 30 years."
In the 1970s, when few people had heard of asbestos, Baron and Budd was founded to protect the rights of people suffering diseases caused by asbestos and other toxic substances. Long considered a trailblazer, Baron and Budd is credited for handling some of the very first asbestos cases ever filed and for being a catalyst in bringing to light some of the disturbing facts that the asbestos industry hid from the public for decades.
Baron and Budd also handles other types of cases related to corporate wrongdoing and has achieved national recognition for their work. In 2006 the public interest legal organization Public Justice presented Baron and Budd attorneys with its "Trial Lawyer of the Year Award" for the firm's precedent-setting work in a multi -decade fight on behalf of 1,600 Tucson-area residents harmed by contaminated drinking water.
Today, Baron and Budd maintains a strong asbestos/ mesothelioma practice while representing people and businesses harmed by the Gulf Oil Spill, water contamination, dangerous pharmaceuticals and various financial scams.
About Russell Budd and Baron & Budd, P.C.
Russell Budd has been a major force in the world of plaintiffs' attorney for more than thirty years, having devoted his career to defending the rights of individuals and communities that have been harmed by corporate wrongdoing. Budd currently serves as president and managing shareholder of Baron and Budd, one of the national's largest plaintiffs' law firms with offices in Dallas, Austin, Miami, Los Angeles and Baton Rouge. Over the past decade, Russell Budd has played a major role in national asbestos litigation, and was the chief negotiator of a $4 billion national settlement with Halliburton that established a trust fund to protect the interests of present and future asbestos patients and their families throughout the country. Under Budd's direction, Baron and Budd served as a cornerstone donor and Executive Advisory Board member of the International Mesothelioma Program (IMP) and has given generously to the Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization (ADAO) and the Lung Cancer Alliance. In 2010, Russell Budd was awarded the Harry M. Philo Trial Lawyer of the Year Award from the American Association for Justice (AAJ). He previously received the Weidemann Wysocki National Finance Council Award from AAJ for his commitment to the legal profession and efforts to improve the civil justice system.
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Baron & Budd, P.C.
Susan Knape, 214-629-0596
email: [email protected]
Tags: Mesothelioma Attorney, Mesothelioma attorneys, mesothelioma lawyer