Rut Summit - Free Expert Interview with Charles Alsheimer
Online, September 30, 2010 (
Hunting is a special hobby for many people. When hunting season arrives, some take a vacation from work or even spend extra money purchasing a new rifle or hunting gear. However, one of the most important things to remember about hunting is that you must do your homework before heading out for the trophy buck.
Deer hunting provides such a huge rush when you feel that you are getting close to the monster buck that you have always wanted. The deer is actually a fairly elusive animal, so in order to think like a deer, you need to provide yourself with a good plan of attack. There are several different types of deer, but the white tailed deer always puts up a challenge for even the best of hunters.
Some of the senses of a whitetail have proven to be much more sensitive than anything else that you will hunt. A whitetail deer can easily sense a human that may be close by, due to their keen sense of smell. Because this animal can put up some of the best of challenges, it is a good idea that you gain a little more background about the rutting activity before heading out for your next big whitetail hunting adventure.
Here are 3 techniques to help you better understand the rutting activity:
1) Understanding the timing of the whitetail rut. We all understand that if you are able to venture into the woods then it is a good day. However, in order to maximize your chances of killing a huge whitetail then you need to be in the woods during the right time of year.
2) If you are beginning to understand the timing of the rut, then you know that your geographical location plays a huge role in this period. Studying how timing and location affect the rutting habits of a whitetail will ultimately lead you to a better comprehensive understanding of what the deer is thinking.
3) If you are serious about hunting whitetail then you have to understand the different phases of the rut. When I say different phases I am talking about understanding terms such as "peak of the rut" and what it means. Rubbing, scraping and breeding all occur at during different time frames.
Again, by planning and creating some type of game plan as a hunter you will dramatically increase your chances of killing your first whitetail. Don't be afraid to spend some time researching experiences of others in years past. By studying past habits of whitetail you will begin to think like a whitetail. And we all know what happens if you begin to think and smell like a whitetail!
Free Deer Hunting Information
For more information about deer hunting tactics, contact David Barrett, founder of Trophy Buck Secrets, LLC; PO Box 167, NuMine, PA 16244. Call: (724) 840-5427. Subscribe to the free email newsletter, the "Trophy Buck Secrets Insiders Report," by visiting: and get your free copy of, "Discover Secrets of the Whitetail Rut That Most Hunters Will Never Know!" report upon signup.
This website is for the ultimate deer hunter enthusiast. You will learn hunting tactics about the rutting seasons you never knew before! Check out this site at: and land your big buck this year.
Media Contact:
David Barrett, Founder
Trophy Buck Secrets, LLC
PO Box 167
NuMine, PA 16244
Telephone 724-840-5427
Tags: Deer Hunting, Free Deer Hunting, hunting, hunting adventure, white tailed deer, whitetail rut