Safe and Secure Luggage Identification With RelayContact

Don't share real contact information using luggage tags. RelayContact provides a secure way to contact luggage owners.

January 10, 2016. Announcing the safest way to secure luggage for travel and commute: RelayContact. This luggage security accessory is a device that lets travelers and commuters keep their identity secure. Instead of placing all contact information in luggage tags, RelayContact will secure bags, suitcases, boxes and packages providing peace of mind for users anywhere. RelayContact is yet to be released by the manufacturer once the first 1000 pre-orders are reached.

Lost baggage and mishandled luggage could be avoided with the use of a secure yet easy to use system. According to a Forbes article on minimizing the impacts of lost luggage β€œIn 2014, 7.3 bags per thousand passengers were mishandled.” SITA also revealed that β€œIn 2013, 21.8 million luggage were mishandled.” Also, luggage tags and cards maybe handy to use but divulge personal information which could put users in danger.

RelayContact reduces mishandling of luggage, secures contact information and allows reachability of users in cases of emergency. For more information about RelayContact and for pre-orders visit their official site or email RelayContact at [email protected] .


RelayContact is a company that strives to provide information security and privacy to travelers. It is a fact that placing actual information on luggage when travelling is not a smart thing and could even be dangerous. RelayContact makes it easy and hassle-free to reach users when things happen. For more information about RelayContact and for pre-orders visit their official site or email RelayContact at [email protected] .



Vancouver, British Columbia


Chris Cruz


Email: [email protected]

Phone: 1-888-787-0668


Tags: British, Columbia, Vancouver