Sales Sense Solutions, Inc. Creates the Sales Sense Reality Talk Show where sales people can connect and exchange their secrets to success!

Rochester, NY - Welcome! To the Sales Sense Reality Talk Show Hosted by Mike Krause. Every Wednesday 12-12:30 PM EST Where real sales people connect. Are you tired of the Ivory Tower Experts? You know the ones that keep talking about it and not act

Sales Sense Solutions, Inc. Creates the Sales Sense Reality Talk Show where sales people can connect and exchange their secrets to success!


Contact Information:
Sales Sense Solutions
2604 Elmwood Ave Suite 188
Tel: 585-704-6453

Rochester, NY - Welcome! To the Sales Sense Reality Talk Show Hosted by Mike Krause. Every Wednesday 12-12:30 PM EST Where real sales people connect. Are you tired of the Ivory Tower Experts? You know the ones that keep talking about it and not actually doing it? Hi I am Michael Krause and I have sold over 100 Million Dollars in products & services and I provide fortune 500 Strategies, Tactics and Tools to help you increase sales!

Every Wednesday from 12:00-12:30 EST there will be a REAL Sales Professional from the street sharing with listeners their secrets to their personal success. The format of the show will be: 1. Background of guest, what makes them unique? 2. Industry served. 3. Territory. 4. Target client sales volume, employee size & decision maker title. 5. Lead Generation, how are they generating leads? 6. Sales Process, how are they driving the prospect to a decision? 7. Follow Up! What techniques are they using? 8. Social Media, how are they using it? 9. Attitude, how do they remain mentally engaged? 10. What tools are they using to make sales easier? 11. Objection handling. Do you want to be a guest? Send me a quick email to [email protected] (718) 766-4102 Call in Number

Meet Michael Krause, owner and founder of Sales Sense Solutions, Inc.

Michael has spent over twenty years in sales, consistently achieving the highest levels of success in sales, management, and training. With a career and family history devoted to sales (Michael is a fourth generation sales professional), he is a veteran of driving and achieving results across an array of business models and sizes.

Michael then focused his talents on Fortune 500 companies such First Data, Lexis-Nexis, Ceridian, and the Bureau of National Affairs. While the company name changed one thing remained consistent: Mike's tenacity and talents to exceed expectations. He was recognized as the top producer in his division for each company as he generated over $100 million in sales.


Tags: sales, Sales Consulting, sales training

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Michael Krause
Press Contact, Sales Sense Solutions
Sales Sense Solutions
2604 Elmwood Ave
Suite 188