SalesNexus releases "Why CRMs Fail and What To Do About It"

SalesNexus releases "Why CRMs Fail and What To Do About It".

HOUSTON - SalesNexus releases "Why CRMs Fail and What To Do About It"

SalesNexus today released "Why CRMs Fail and What To Do About It" on its blog, Sell, Sell, Sell!, a expose of how CRM vendors set small businesses up for failure and what small and medium sized businesses can do to ensure CRM success.

"The sad truth is that half of CRM solutions fail to meet management expectations.", said Craig Klein, SalesNexus CEO and Founder. "We believe that its completely unavoidable. We decided to map out what to watch out for and what to do in order to achieve CRM success"

"Why CRMs Fail and What To Do About It" focuses on how the traditional model of CRM vendor selection, CRM consultants and VARs are setting most small and medium sized businesses up for failure when they implement new CRM systems. The article also provides specific steps to align CRM expectations of all involved parties and select the best fit CRM technology.

"By its nature, CRM touches many roles within a company. Each group has varying expectations. At SalesNexus, we've developed a simple and effective method to ensure all CRM users get what they're after.", said Klein.

"Why CRMs Fail and What To Do About It" is available here -

To know more about SalesNexus online CRM, click here -


Tags: CRM solution, CRM system, CRM technology, CRM vendor, Marketing Automation, online contact management, online crm, sales management, small business, web based contact management


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